Layla 24 with Windows XP?


New member

Has anyone had any experiences yet with the Layla 24 and Windows XP? They say they ship with XP drivers but I just had a bad experience with my Roland UA100 that was supposed to have the new XP drivers (so they claimed). I want to purchase a Layla 24 but want to investigate everything first.

Thanks in advance!

Lee Muller
I can only speak about the Layla 20, from direct experience. I have a pair of them I run under both Win98SE and XP. The WDM drivers (V6.00) work flawlessly for me. One of the few WDM drivers I haven't had much of a problem with. The people I've spoken with that are using Layla 24 tell me the drivers work great.

Echo's drivers will probably be the least of your problems. Just make sure and download the most recent ones from their website, as the driver that ships with the unit may not be the most current.