Layla 24 And My Roland Sc8850


New member

I don't know whether to post this in the Event or Cubase forum, but here goes. I just installed a Layla 24 into my Dell P4 computer. I have the PCI card inside the computer, with the audio interface on my rak and hooked into the PCI card. My

Roland SC8850 (midi module) is connected to the Layla by midi cable. The "midi out" on my Layla is conected to the "midi in" on my Roland. The audio out from my Roland patched into a Mackie mixer, whose main outs route back to the Layla.

Here's my question: When I play a midi part it sounds through the mackie mixer. The sound is then sent to the Layla, and I'm trying to record it in Cubase.

So far it hasn't worked :(, and I have no idea why. In theory, it should work, but it doesn't. Any suggestions, anybody?

Possibly the input you are using is muted by the layla mixer control panel? Do you get an input level in cubase? Need more info.