Latest track - FUNK!!!

Bass sounds Killa. :cool: Guitar sounds distant and too wet. Vocals still have that sound I was talking about on your last tune, like they are in a metal tube. I dont know how to describe it, maybe others can help.

The tune itself is great, it kicks ass. :cool: Very funky, very fun and you do all the instrument stuff very well. Reminds me of going to the jr high dance in the 70s. I'm old, hold me. :(

Very cool, cery enjoyable. :)
WOW - that bass is really cool - thats a great tone and the playing is top notch! That funky sounding wah guitar is equally cool - I like it.... a lot....
That bridge with the syncopated raunchy guitars/lead is inspired. That lead tone/playing is fabulous! The dynamics are great in this piece - everything just sounds so alive.... Really great!
oooh, I like the hell out of this ..... only thing it needs is sax!
Great bass line and nice git chops.
Hey folks, thanks for listening and providing feedback! :)

Freudian Slip, thanks!

DavidK, I think I have an addiction to reverberation and modulation. :eek: I just don't like the sound of my voice dry.

ido, wow! Thanks for the kind words. I kind of like this one also. ;)

Lt. Bob, sax huh? Hmmmm....

But DavidK, where does the violin bit come from? :D

What about the vocal performance? Is it OK, or should I retrack it?


Vocal performance is fine. The effects on the vocals do sound a bit modulated/phaser'd. If you remix with less it would be interesting to hear more straight voice (w/reverb of course)

I would also suggest you track a second harmony and pan it opposite the first to really fill this out vocally.

Still kicks a@@ even after several listens.....

:) :D :) :D
Thanks ido! :)

I spent half the day trying to retrack the first lead guitar break, but have yet to come up with anything I like better. People seem to think that it is a) too loud (can fix that), and b) too trebly/shrill (having trouble fixing that). I kind of like the original attack provided by that lead, and am leaning toward keeping it. Will try to eq some of the harshness out though.

Also looking into making the vocals more dry.


brandrum said:
great job!!...the guitars are just a touch too wet...all this needs is some real drums.
brandrum is a great drummer ;) hmmmmm.....

Anyway, I like this mix. The guitars are at a better level in this mix. They seem to sit better...although they don't kick it quite as hard ;) (can you tell I am a guitar player ???) Drums more present and vocals not as modulated.
Overall improved for the better I'd say.....

Still continues to kick a@@ nicely.....
bigmahon said:
Would love to hear your honest critique of this one. What can I do to make it better?

I Start Running



Slow it down and it will absolutely rock. But that's just me. (I tend to be more on the slow side as far as tastes) I dig the vocal harmonies - production is great. Good work.
brandrum, are you offering? ;)

joey, thanks again!

Tim, thanks for the feedback! I might try a slower take to see how it sounds. :)

Cheers gang,
