Latency adjustment in REWIRE mode with REASON


New member
Dear All,

I'm using Audition 1.5 (that is the follow-up of Cool Edit Pro, or? ... sorry in case I'm posting in the wrong forum) and I tried to run it in REWIRE mode with REASON Adapted.

In principal it works fine, mapping the tracks etc. etc. (although I'm aware my Laptop is far too weak for such an experiment, NEC Versa P440 with 256 MByte, 2.2 GHz, slow disk etc.). But there is an issue with incredible large latency from pressing the keyboard to hearing a sound.

With REASON only, I can run my M-Audio Audiophile USB card either in ASIO mode (9 ms!) or in DX/MME (less than 40-50 ms), which is fantastic. But re-wiring it with Audition (which has no ASIO support, too bad ...) I don't see how to adjust the MIDI latancey (as it is possible in the "Options" menue of REASON).

I understand that in REWIRE mode the latency is controlled by the master, which is Audition. I found several menues related to buffer size or latency, but all of them had zero effect on the latency I achieve, which is constant around (I guess) 300-400 ms ... is it possible at all to define/reduce the MIDI buffer size in Audition up to the limit where it starts crackling? Or is there a fixed size pre-defined ...?

Any adivise?

nobody? did anyone ever try/succeed to use Audition in rewire mode with any other tool or maybe directly record any input from a MIDI device?