large print sheet music

New member
i'm not sure if this is the place to post this particular question, but if anyone can help me i would appreciate it...

i work at a computer repair shop and a customer who is visually impaired has charged us with finding a way for him to view sheet music on his pc in large print and high contrast.

can anyone think of any solutions?

thanks again

Walking Man Sound
Take a look at Finale 2001 or 2002. This is pretty much, the sheet music dream program. I'm not sure about reading it on screen (and I'm not sure why he'd want to), but you could definately use it to properly print sheet music much larger than normal.

If he insists on reading it on-screen, you could print the enlarged document to a .pdf file and use Adobe Acrobat to view it. (there are varius zoom settings).

Obviously, the bigger screen the better.
thanks a lot man - i'll check out that software.

as long as it displays the sheet music, i'm sure i can tweak windows settings to make it bigger & easier to read.

any other software i can recommend to him?

oh yeah, and whats the going street price for that program?

Walking Man Sound