laptop soundcards?


New member
Hey everyone... Current soundcard on our Toshiba laptop is not up to it. Does anyone know of an external soundcard for laptops with a view to producing dance music mainly?
How many ins/outs do you need? The Layla 24/96 is what I use, but there are tons of options. I know Echo Audio just came out with the Indigo (which there are three types) and I'm thinking that the Indigo io is for you, as it has stereo in and stereo out if your needs aren't too much for in and out options.

But, that's me suggesting my brand. I've never used anything else. I have a Toshiba laptop by the way. The Layla I use to interface with both computers, a laptop and desktop. I have cards for both and hook whichever I'm using to the breakout box. The Indigo would not be useable with a desktop computer. Here's a link...Indigo

Tons of people on here use USB option for all kinds of different brands. Good luck.

You might want to add your budget here as well! And, do you need midi on the card, or do you want to use something external or no midi at all?
Hey Kirstin. Thanks for your reply, you've probably guessed I'm a novice when it comes to computers and music. Have been mixing for donkeys and tinkering around on an M1 keyboard for a while. I've got an Edirol interface with two MIDI in and outs. So far have been controlling and recording notes I'm playing on the keyboard (using sounds/modules available on SSProII software) but as I've said, I seem to only be getting the Analogue sounds working with any success. I'm happy with the interface and assume the external soundcard would go into another USB port? I appreciate your advice and will check out your link...budget wise- on the lower end of things really, because I'm hoping buying an external soundcard is possibly going to be a satisfactory stop-gap before I can get funding for a proper DAW. Basically I'm hoping the external soundcard will enable me to:
1."Unlock" all the available sounds/modules as they should sound from the software.
2.Modify drumkits in the software.
3.Record songs/tracks I do on the M1 or laptop as AUDIO.
Look forward to hearing from you.......
What is your software? I looked up SSProII, as you wrote it, and couldn't find anything. The Edirol interface is strictly for midi, right? To my mind, you should be able to use this. Tell me how you have your connections set up...are you routing your keyboard to your computer through both midi at the back of the keyboard thru the Edirol and then also as an analog source by plugging a line out to the input on your Toshiba soundcard? What model of Toshiba is it?

It seems to me that the Edirol, which I also have used in my own laptop, a Toshiba, and it worked just fine for me, should also be very useable in your own system. It may actually be something as simple as switching the cords at the back of the keyboard, the midi cables. Try switching the in cable to the out jack and vice versa. This has actually cleared up the problems for me. So, as far as midi, you actually should not need a different interface. If you want a different card, it could either be a standalone audio card, or one with both midi and audio capabilities.

Sorry I'm not getting it exactly.
The software is Sound Studio Professional II by Evolution. Yes the Edirol is strictly for MIDI. Keyboard (synth) MIDI lead to Edirol, then Edirol to laptop (by means of USB lead/port). No actual problems here since the synth is doing the required job by controlling notes to be recorded no matter which sound/module I choose from the software. The Toshiba is a Satellite 1110. Have changed round MIDI cables previously to solve a problem but not relevant now. It seems the motherboard and/or soundcard in the laptop is not enabling fullest use of the sofware- more specifically the sound modules/banks,etc. Therefore I am only able to use Analogue sounds from the software- shame since there's 100s more potentially that I'm wanting to use. Do you think it's because the Korg M1 is analogue that I cannot access the full range of sounds in the software? Could I get an external soundcard to plug in and use in a USB port with the Edirol in the existing USB port for MIDI?

I hope this is a little clearer.....-Roger.

I would assume that in your software you should be able to configure it to use whatever audio card you desire, as well as midi. Since you know the midi portion is working properly, that should be okay.

I guess where I'm confused is this issue of analog sound versus what? Synthesised sounds? So, you can hear some sounds but not others...this issue in itself is an issue that I may not be able to wrap my head around. If it really is something to do with the audio capabilities of the sound card, okay, we can do something about that. But, you did ask me something that I think I can answer...

You should be able to buy an external soundcard, connecting either via USB, firewire, OR pcmcia for laptops. You can probably find an Edirol interface. You SHOULD be able to configure your software to bypass the onboard card and use the external instead. You SHOULD be able to route the midi to the Edirol seperately. I'm not positive on this, though. Do you have some sort of dialog box with options or settings that can be changed for the cards?

Well, I am quoting this from the website, so I suppose you can...
Simultaneous use of multiple soundcards for both audio and MIDI

I am so sorry if this is insulting your intelligence, because I'm feeling like you are still way ahead of me in terms of the whole recording endeavor, but do you have the Edirol selected as your midi interface in the software already? You must, as I doubt the
Toshiba has any midi capabilities on its own.

If the Korg has midi ins and outs, then it has to have midi capabilities...does it? Yes, it does, I checked.

Here's w hat I found from the Evolution website as well...
A MIDI interface or PC sound card with a MIDI interface. If you want to use Sound Studio Pro II's digital audio facilities, you will need a sound card which supports digital audio. If you wish to operate simultaneous recording and playback of audio, your soundcard should be 'full-duplex' - this means it is able to record audio at the same time as playing back audio and / or MIDI.

so, I still would assume you can do this with a separate audio and midi interface. I'll do some checking for something inexpensive for you and post some links, though you might find better prices than me. I would just make sure that you have all the audio/midi options set right in your software so you don't have to purchase something you don't need to, but an external soundcard with decent capabilities will make a sound difference to you as well.

I'm sorry if I'm dense on this. My keyboard is so old and simple...:D

Hey Roger,

I can't believe I am the only person willing to discuss this. I feel sorry for you...there are way smarter people on this board!!!

Anyway, I did some searching...only at 8th Street and the cheapest thing I found was an Edirol audio interface by was around $90. It only will use MME drivers though, which sucks if you're concerned at all about latency.

Do you NEED any analog recording? Are you recording any actual instruments? If not, maybe the Indigo card is something for supports ASIO, WDM and all the others. Latency would be better for you if you care about that. At 8th Street it is under $100, but you can't record anything to it through a 1/8" or 1/4" jack or anything. It will play back your midi sounds's just a playback card, made for mixing, or playing music, but with very, very good quality. Since you have a midi interface, you should be able to use them in conjunction. All of the cards seem to get more and more expensive otherwise. Like I said, the Echo Indigo has to be used in the card slots on your laptop...they just push in and out of the slot, very easy to deal you have PCMCIA slots? The Edirol I mentioned (was USB, as are many others. I don't know if this page will open properly for you, but here's all of their USB

The Edirol was the UA-1A(analog only) or the UA-1d (analog and digital), but again, they only use MME, and RCA connections. The Indigo, which, again, is NOT USB, will have 1/8" connections, but with very good convertors. These do have in and out, I think, but I don't know how capable they are, plus they only can use the MME drivers.

I think that's about all I can help with! But, yes, I do believe that if you can upgrade to an external soundcard, it might be what you need to make the system work properly for you. I would definitely check those FAQ'S first, and make sure everything is routed properly within the software. That can definitely be a problem if one little thing has the wrong check by it, etc. But, I can't find anything for real cheap. Maybe you can, or check ebay for these same items...

Good luck Roger!
RJH said:
Hey everyone... Current soundcard on our Toshiba laptop is not up to it. Does anyone know of an external soundcard for laptops with a view to producing dance music mainly?

Personally, I'd stay away from USB and just buy something like the Echo Indigo IO . It seems to be going for around $179 online.
How many ins/outs do you need? The Layla 24/96 is what I use, but there are tons of options. I know Echo Audio just came out with the Indigo (which there are three types) and I'm thinking that the Indigo io is for you, as it has stereo in and stereo out if your needs aren't too much for in and out options.

My very first suggestion!
Hey Kirstin...have checked out your link and have a couple of other leads to weigh up. Appreciate all your advice and "expertise"...just out of interest, what's your bag when it comes to music?
just out of interest, what's your bag when it comes to music?

Ha ha...a small wet paper one, that I can't find my way out of half the time. :p

My dad always used to say that certain people were so dumb they couldn't find their way out of a wet paper bag. That's pretty much what I consider myself to be musically.

I can't play anything really, I'm more a singer, but I write fairly simple piano and vocal sketches it would seem! I never finish anything. Ha ha. I am part r&b, part blues, part jazz, part the girl background singer on Pink Floyd's Dark side of the Moon, part whatever happens. I usually am not too discriminate of what I am writing...if anything comes out, it's better than nothing!

I find it all really somewhat difficult, this music writing, and the playing...the only thing that comes naturally to me really is the singing, but I'm working on sabotaging my voice by smoking too much, it would appear. And, I don't feel comfortable enough with anything I've been writing to start belting out some melodies I'm not even sure I have completely figured out.

I've been singing since way before I was speaking words. So, somehow, music is part of me though I never studied it properly, or seem to have the courage to put myself out there. That's why this board has been very useful...some people have been very encouraging to me here.

I have a link to three little partially worked on pieces...just very sketchy, one with badly out of time drums :) , and one with no words, just an improved singing melody (that no longer sounds like that in later practice sessions) My piano playing is very amateur as are my recording skills...but they'll get better. Anyway, if you want to hear something, you can just click the www under my post. It'll take you to those three songs. Don't throw tomatoes!

I just like to record things so I can hear them back. Of course I'd appreciate a better sound than the regular soundcards now I have a rather expensive couple weekend a month hobby.

Have a great day Roger, good luck on finding that sound card.
Well your tunes certainly sound intruiging...I will have a listen, but I can't see the www to click on or use to get to it. I'm sure your not hiding it! Once I've figured out how to record one of my "songs" from the Korg M1 to a WAV file then I'll let you have a listne. You may not like it if your not into dance music, although it's not straight down the line. I too cannot play any instruments- only what I've taught myself on the Keyboard/Piano. Like you, no, more so, I know I must use the music in me...Have been into mixing records for over 10 years, had a keyboard for 6/7 years, got an entry-level sampler to mess about with, then my wife bought this laptop, I bought the music software (which noone else seems to use although I love the look of it and am sure it will do the job), was going to send off demos years ago just to get feedback and show potential and time just keeps going by. I'm 31 now, looks like we've got twins due end March/ early April (hopefully not 1st April!) and although I know my time is going to be limited, I am determined to get my music out there. I've just got to get the funds first for all the right bits... Have the bare bones for loads of "songs" and loads of vocal ideas. I know I can get a contract of some kind and music is certainly what inspires me in life (along with the forthcoming twins). Waffle, waffle, ramble, ramble...Oh yes, I'm in the middle of a long-winded process of changing jobs as well.

Talk soon............
Hey Rog,

Underneath anyone's posts are buttons that say profile, pm, www, etc. Well, not everyone has a www button...either we've set it up or not.

I'll give you a link if you wish.

Kirstin's Nowhere Radio

That ought to work for you. Good luck with your endeavors! Mine are kinda small--;)
Well I may not be Simon Cowell (or however you spell his name!) but I'd say you've got a bloody good voice and nice piano skills as well...keep up the good work.

Talk soon...........
Thank god you're not Simon Cowell--I'd be crying today.
Thanks, also...I will look forward to hearing you soon as well. And, I dig dance music too. I could never come up with a dance instrumental at all, but I'm glad someone can. I am pretty open to music genres.

OH YEAH! Congrats on the you have any idea if they're fraternal, identical, or not? Boys, girls? I bet your wife is feeling a bit worn out.

We've got to wait until 17th Nov for the 20 week scan to find out 100% that it's twins but mid-wife and doctor recon highly probable! Will find out the sex and so on then as well......
Glad to hear you're into dancemusic as well as other genres- the one I want to get onto WAV is all instrumental (not one vocal sample) but is also all my own work (no samples). Don't suppose you can give me a beginner's guide to recording from M1 (obviously MIDI) to a WAV file on the laptop and then how to make it available to you and others in this forum (or by way of a link)???
What recording software are you using?

Okay, here's the edit...I already know! SSPro II. Well, I do not know anything about your software, but I'll see what I can find out for ya.
I tell you what... I've just thought of something.... I'll try it out in the morning or a.s.a.p and get straight back to you...
By the way, you couldn't find the software (Sound Studio Professional II by Evolution).

Talk soon............