laptop setup for travel - advice?


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A friend is loaning me a Apple Powerbook G4 with OS10.3 for travel use. Mind you, I'm a desktop PC guy who knows relatively nothing about laptops. Luckily, the apps I'm using will work for both PC and Mac and they have multiple platform registration capability, namely:

Cubase SX 2
Sampletank 2
Absynth 2

My intended usage is simply to use Sampletank and Absynth to experiment with on some midi tracks. No external audio will be recorded.

The advice I need is: What is the least supporting hardware that I need to use this laptop for its intended usage on a plane, in a hotel room, on the go, etc? I need the setup to be lean and quick to setup. I would like to be able to slap on some headphones and get down to creating good drum loops, interesting soundscapes and instrumental ideas. What do I need? Is there midi playback capability built-in to the OS or is there some software that I can add to the system?

Thanks for any advice you can give.