laptop, please help


hey, thinking about getting a laptop... SOOO... ofcourse i don't want to throw money out of the window.. what should i look at or is it just a pc in a smaller package? (stuff like which battery good/bad, harddrive should be 7200 right?, need firewire io what are minimum specs)

Sorry I can't be more specific, will use it for tracking as well as reason stuff. I need osme general info as i have no clue what to ask specifically.

If I where to buy a new laptop, I'd likely get a ProStar 8794 configured with two 7200 RPM hard drives, at least a gig of RAM and the fastest processor I could afford. Most likely the 3.4 Extreme.
However, you could build the same configuration in a desktop (or rackmount) for quite a bit less $$.
umm yeah, no offense but uh; Did I mention that I DID NOT want to throw money out of the window? A year from now that laptop will be -50% That system would be less then 1000,- desktop version...

That is not what i consider even remotely smart spending... I was thinking more in terms of "what can i get away with" on the specs site.

But thanks for your reply
The specs you want to look for are basically the same as for a desktop PC, with the addition of battery life - just that laptops are way more expensive than desktops. I'm not really up with the prices at the moment though. I wouldn't buy top of the range gear because it won't be worth anything tomorrow, but thats the same with all computer gear. What are the specs on a middle of the range laptop these days?
my desktop system of 750,- is still up to par and approx 1,5 year old.

wasn't top of the line when i bought it either...

somthing like that..
unless you have lots of money to buy a proper athlon laptop
with 7200 rpm drives, i would wait till you find a used one. but these are in demand for a daw.
how much would the athlon be? (i'm running an athlon as desktop now.. couldn't be happier, 40 tracks and if i want 40 fx's... no prob... . much to my surprise... haven't tried more since that woudl be silly... LOL)