Laney Head, Fender Combo, Hartke Cab


New member
-- Laney ProTube 50 AOR Head ($200) --
Features: 50 Watts, All-Tube, Interchangable Power and Ohm Ratings
Condition: Excellent Working Order, Recentley Re-Tubed and Serviced, Road Wear (The Amp Is 23 Years Old)

This amp has Push/Pull boost on Treble, Mid, and Bass controls as well as a Push/Pull on the Gain for extra distortion. It's also the 50 watt version of the amp Paul Gilbert used in Racer X. It has a very good "Modded Marshall" sound. I've also recently retubed the Pre- and Power-Amp sections with ElectroHarmonix Tubes.

-- Fender Ultimate Chorus Combo ($150) --
Features: 300 Watt, Solid-State, 2X12 Combo, Built In Reverb and Chorus
Condition: Fair Working Order, Road Wear, The "Rate" control pot's knob and post has been knocked off, missing a few "knobs" but the pots and posts are intact.

This amp has seen alot of road use in a few different bands. I'm the second owner, a friend of mine being the first. It has two inputs and two channels (Clean/Gain). Both channels have individual EQ and Reverb Control. There is a built-in Chorus effect which does work, but the "Rate" is locked in do to a broken pot (which was how I bought it).

-- Hartke Transporter 1x15 Speaker Cab ($100) --
Condition: Basically Brand Friggin New

Your basic 1x15 4ohm Cabinet. Good for a bass rig or bringing out the lows in your guitar sound. Could also be a sub for a PA if you'd like.

That's about it, if you have any question feel free to email me about it OR call me @ 336-689-7198 (if no answer, leave a message). I'll have to edit this to add pictures later as I don't have a camera right now.