KRK ST8 passive monitors


New member
Has anyone here used these or heard them in a store? I've been shopping for a new pair of passive monitors. I'm considering the Event 20/20 and Tannoy Reveals besides the aforementioned KRK. I heard a bunch of my own mixes on the ST8 as well as the smaller ST6. I was impressed by both. Big tight controlled lows and nice mid imaging, highs were probably a bit hyped. Any comments?
I haven't heard the passive models, but I've got the V8's, and I think they're great. I've had several different monitors before, including the 20/20's, and these are my favorite. Monitor preference is subjective but I find that my v8's translate much better than the others, and they're the clearest that I've heard.

Make sure you have a good power amp for the passive monitors, one with plenty of power. Some cheaper amps will lack the bottom end and clarity of the better ones.
