KRK Fostex or Samson?


New member
Hi, i am currently selling some wharfedale 8.2s because i am not happy with their sound. They seems quite coloured, in your face and fatiguing. Anyway, to replace them i have been looking at the KRK RP5s, the Fostex PM1s, and the Samson Rubicon R5As. My budget is about 200-250 GBP. My control room is very small so a high power is not vital. Which of these would you suggest? Or any others.
I currently use KRK v6 monitors, but I have used the rockit5's at a friends house. The v6's are much better to me, but they are a little more expensive. The rockit5's are a little bass heavy, but all in all they are solid little monitors. I tested the samsons at the music store and they weren't quite as much to my liking. I have no experience with the other monitors you named so no real advice. I was all about to buy the rockit5's, but then I tested the v6's and for a little more money they were easily better with the reference cd's that I brought with me.

You really need to go and try them in person with a few albums that you know really well. Each will sound a little different, but really any of the monitors that you choose should be able to help your mixing. Once you learn them that is. That's really the key. You have to learn your monitors and how that translates to many different systems. It may sound bad the first couple of attempts, but once you learn your equipment then you can make some good sounding mixes even on bad monitors.

These are all budget monitors so keep in mind that you are not going to get the same type of performance as a nice set of Genelecs or something, but then again you probably dont have the room to really take advantage of them anyway. I will recomend the KRK's, but I dont think that you can really go too wrong with any of your options. You are more important than the speakers. Good luck with your search. :)
KRK. Ive had mine for years (K-Roks). When I first got them hooked up I finally could hear low end(at least better).
I'd go KRK for sure. Their speakers sometimes sound a little TOO good to me though, meaning that they seem a little eq'd, which I don't like. However, I've not had good luck with the other brands you mentioned. I have not used the specific models you listed, but KRK is just a much safer bet IMHO.
I don't like KRK's in general. I've tried a few models and they always sounded muddy and lack of definition. On the other hand, I can really get great results with my much-less-of-a-cost Samson 65a's or even the Behringer Truths.