Korg N5EX or Alesis QS7.1???


New member
Hello there, I've been narrowing down to decide purchasing a new synth to the following two choices. Either the Alesis QS7.1 or the Korg N5EX. I know the Korg model is pretty new, and can't find much user info on it. I'd go to a store and try the stuff, but unfortunately I live in a rather rural town in Mississippi, and currently don't have access. The keyboard will be primarily used for studio applications, but maybe live in the future. I'd like a keyboard that is good in the techno / industrial genre, and decent in other genres as well. I don't own a sampler yet, and that is one thing that attracts me to the Alesis. But the Korg has like 1500 sounds or something. Basically, whats a good unit that would set me back no more than $900? I can get the Alesis 7.1 new for $900, and Korg for $750.... just would like some advice please, this is my first *expensive* synth.
I too am having the same problem.You said you like techno so mabye look at the roland xp 30.Its about $950 and comes with the techno expansion included.It also has the session and orchestral expasnions + room for two more expansions.Totally expanded thats about 2000 patches(close to 2500).
the korg and the alesis are very hard to compare, they are very different style keyboards. I own a qs71 and have been very satisfied. There is alot of editing capabilites and good sounding effects. If you are new to this, it may take a while to get the hang of it. If you just want to use it for its sounds, it is also a great board for that as well.
Korg keyboards sound entirly different from Alesis. Personally despite the praise people give this brand, i dont see what is so great about Korg. Of course they give you a billion sounds and gigabites worth of editing parameters, but I dont think one person can really get use out of these sounds for more than just "wow when i hold this key down for a minute, it really sounds like i am a pro!!! just listen to that sound!!!" Of course i could be wrong.
Both are pretty close in price range, if you are really into techno id say go for the korg, but be willing to burn some brain cells trying to learn it. If you are into pop, and maybe some techno as well, and like an easy interface, get the Alesis. Check out the Roland xp-30 as well. If you wanna know anything about the QS71 just email me, id be happy to help you out with anything!
Thanks for the pointers, Im starting to lean towards the XP-30, now that I have learned more about it. I will let you know what I decide, I should buy in the first week of Feb.
I was in the exact same spot. I was leaning towards the QS7 but while in the music shop I played a Roland XP and it just sounded much better to me. It also has a sequencer which the Alesis does not. I shot for the XP80 which ran me $1250 used and mint w/manuals and everything. I know your trying to buy soon but if you dont have any hangups about used gear or saving a little more you might wanna look at a XP50, 60, or 80. The 50 and 60 you should be able to pick up used for about 900.
I forgot to mention if you dont have access to a music store to listen to the sound quality of each synth you might wanna try Korg, Alesis, and roland websites. There should be info there to get a demo cd of the sounds strait from the synths either free or for a few bucks. You can download or listen to the upgrade cards (another reason I went for XP is the number and quality of sounds that each expantion card gives you for very cheap) at their website.