korg D16 cd-r / b-u drive


New member
Can anybody recommend a good cd-r and storage/b-u drives to use with the D16's SCSI port? What is compatible? What is not?

I have a Korg D8.
I have a jaz drive hooked up for extra space and a Phillips CDR880 rewritable CDR.
Both of these have worked out extremely well with the Korg unit.
The 2-gig jaz drive will hold about 7 or 8 songs that use (on average) 12 tracks, and are approximately 5 minutes long.
The D16 does not currentley have the capability to back up data to CDR, CDR/W or CDR/RW as it was previously mentioned. A new version of the D16's operating system, which adds the ability to back up to these devices, will be available in Mid-July.
I use A D16 and for now until korg gets it together in July, I've got a ORB unit made by Castlewood which uses removable 2.2gig discs , IT seems to be the most cost effective so far at about 235.00 for the unit which comes with one disc, and each additional disc is 39.00 . although I'm actually copying the songs ,not backing them up . the only difference is you have to be careful about editing the user effects . I sure hope Korg comes through as I already purchased a yamaha CDR drive which will ultimatly be the best way , and the cheapest to back up . good luck to all us D16 owners !
Thanks for the advice. This really seems to be a great site. Now, I'm also considering not running the cd-r in the chain off the SCSI, but rather using the optical out to possibly the Tascam CD-RW700. I like the idea of the JAZ drives off the SCSI for storage...See what happens. Thanks again.