Korg D-16 Should I or Shouldn't I???

Keith L

New member
Earlier this year, I wrestled with which way to go digitally, PC or standalone. I knew I wanted better than my old Yamaha 4-track cassette, and weighed the plusses and minuses of both. In the end, I was so twisted around, I decided to do nothing until the Fall, and well, here we are. I'm noticing the collapse in price of the Korg D-16 ($1199 just about everywhere), and wonder how I can go wrong at that price. Of course, I'm sure you all will set me straight, so have at it!!!
I'm sure somebody on here uses the D16, I just don't remember who. I'm a DSP user myself. Not that this should have too much influence over your selection, but there were two things that kept me from the Korg:

Only 4 tracks simultaneous recording
Touch-screen menu controls

I think lots of people could get away with the 4tr limit (I cannot) but that touch-screen would drive me nuts. Fresh from 4 track tape myself, the quasi-analog features of the akai were a huge selling feature for me. Have you looked into the newest Fostex 16 tracker? Its about the same price as the Korg. There's plenty of user info on it in the fostex forum. I can relate to your inhibition, I obsessed for over a year before committing to a purchase. Best of luck.
Don't wait too long !

I waited as long as i could, before buying a yamaha md8 recorder, but since i've bought it there is several new recorders that i would have looked at. The new tascam 8 track, the fostex 16 track, etc.The longer you wait, the cheaper and better things get. On the other hand, if you wait too long, you will be DEAD ! Just use your head and go with the one you like so you can start using it. Because there is one thing i know for sure, what ever you buy will be out of date in one to two years. Like the computer i'm using now !
I'm an avid D16 user, although I often feel like an absolute minority in that aspect. This machine has been great to me since the software has been updated to the V2 version. It does everything I want (basic track demo recording for local bands) and has some good editing functions. Good effects are included, so there are no extra cards to buy. One note, at 16 bits it will record eight tracks simultaneously.

Another thing great about this machine is that it is very small. I can put this thing in a small suitcase along with several mics and my Johnson J station direct recording guitar amp and go anywhere to record. If I take along my SCSI CD burner (a must with this machine) I can mix and burn the band a CD right on the spot.

Maybe there are other machines that have come out recently, but none can compare with the price and portability of this D16. Just remember to insist of getting the updated V2 software either already installed or on a CD from Korg. If you get it on a CD, you have to have the SCSI burner to install it yourself.
korg or pc

I too stepped up from an ol' 4 track.I looked at all that was available, months and months of research and forums.
I selected the pc route.I already had a pc that would handle the load of Multi-Track recording/editing.
I have no regrets whatsoever.The sound is pristine.
Close to a pro studio as I'll ever get.
I was set up for less than $700.
I can record eight tracks at the same time.

Musicians friend has the D-16 for $1200 plus shipping.
I use musicians friend as a price barganing tool at the local music store.
They do have some real good deals though...

The D-16 will record 8 tracks too.


pc recording:
Not much there...might try a different search.


This is what I bought:

Gadgetlabs Wave 8/24 and cakewalk audio pro 9.0 bundle. Right now gadgetlabs is mmmmm I don't know what the heck is wrong with 'em. They just aren't shipping anything right now. Any body got any good rumors?


aaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnd check this out:
Something new...but what the hell is it?

Thanks for your thoughts! Yea, I feel that ol' gridlock coming on again! OK, OK, not this time. Here's what I'm thinking- either the Korg D-16, the Fostex VF-16, or the Akai DSP. They're all in the same price range. Care to rank them for me and/or add any that I may have overlooked? (BTW, I noticed that there's no Korg forum here. Can I assume that the collective home-recording community considers them to be pretty lousy?)
korg d16

I would say go pc if you have the system.
But it seems that you have made your mind up on a porta system.
Hmmmm about the lousy part.I have no experince with them except for the tascam 414 cassette...

I use a yamaha external SCSI burner. It is an 8X write. I think the model was 8424. I ordered it from dirtcheapdrives.com for I believe less than $300. It works great. It was listed on the Korg website with the other compatible drives. The problem with the website is that, when Korg-Japan finally tests 3rd party drives for compatability and posts results on the website, the drives have become older models and get hard to find. Anyhow, I am very pleased with the D16.
I bought a DPS 16 that I am VERY happy with, except that there seems to be no way to even use the scene memory in real time which eliminates what should be one of the hip things about a DAW.You have to MIDI an external sequencer to automate a mix. I believe the Korg does. For the price it seems to do a lot of stuff.

As for the touch screen, I work in a church that has a Trinity and I have a Triton at home and the screens seem to do quite OK!