kinda off topic but..


New member
K guys..I'm about to really do some upgrading in my studio..and i need some help. I've got roughly a thousand dollars to spend as of now...will be getting a couple hundred more.
Here's what i have:
Audix Drum Mic Set
Audio Technica Mic
Shure mics
Yamaha Mixer...

Anyway...i need some suggestions on some stuff. First thing is ...i need some monitors..I'm trying to decide between the Alesis M1 MKII's or the Behringer Truth Monitors...but any suggestions would be welcomed. Also..I was wondering...are powered monitors, or passive monitors and an amp better? Also..worried about connections...I'm going to be getting a new 24 track machine soon...(not abandoning the 788..NEVER)..and i know it'll have the connections..but the alesis monitors only have a 1/4"/xlr input..and the 788 uses RCA....anyways..I'm looking for some very pro. equipment...and I know i need monitors...but what else would i need? any suggestions at all (once again) would be welcome....some things i think i might need are
headphone amp
eq's compressors...
anythings else?!
Please help!

ps:sorry the post is so long.
About the monitors, the powered monitors are better, and easy to move :) To me the Truth sounds much better than the Alesis, but becareful while buying a truth, 3 out of 10 are defective. Check them with high volumes. Good Luck!
Hey man, thanks alot. I think my decision has been made for me though....only have credit at Sweetwater, and they only carry the Alesis..oh well...I'm sure they'll sound great!