Killing the Kraken (three things to fix?)


New member

So I made this demo for FAWM yesterday and tho it doesn't quite sound right I can't really define what the actual problem spots are. There's something wrong with the vox and guitar sounds, I guess. They don't quite blend together (see after ~3:30). Anyways...

If you'd do three quick changes to the mix, what would they be?

I'm not looking for any magic cures, but I AM interested in learning how to improve my mixing process.

Thank you!

8 minutes?! Hold on. Let me brew some coffee.

Ok. First off, I'd shorten the intro by a lot. An intro that long only works on a deep cut, i.e. a song from near the end of your album that only your loyal fans will bother listening to.

Some of your vocals are a bit pitchy, especially in the verse. I'd recommend retracking at least those parts.

The drum line is pretty simple. You want something more exciting and driving for most metal. Eventually it switches over to 8th notes on the kick, which is more energetic than most of the rest of the song, (but, imho, a really boring drum line.)

Those three weren't really mix suggestions, were they?

OK. Double up the vocal part (but turn the second one down pretty low).
Add some reverb to the vox.
And I don't have a third one...
Ha! :D
I was reading that like where are the mixing suggestions. The vox've got reverb. Like you can hear after the second chorus. I'm not crazy about that as it is. I'd like to cut it out a bit. I'm pretty sure there are commercial tracks that sound just awesome without tons and tons and tons of reverb, so doesn't really sound like a solution to me. :/

I might try that doubling. Thanks! I'm happy that somebody finally replied to one of my threads. :)
The intro is def too long unless you have 'em hooked already. I'd mix something else in after about 20 seconds.
I'd segue from the intro guitar to the rhythmic ones a little more smoothly - cross fade/overlap etc is possible.
I'd either lift or toss the synth dehind the rhythmic acoustics.
Revitalize the drums.
Put a little definition on the bass..
Yeah, it's really easy to add too much reverb (I'm looking at you, Bon Ivar!)

But it is an easy way to make your vocals sound more full and less flat.