kick mic >trade for a 3630, dbx 163x or tube MP?

Joe E

New member
I have a new kick mic that was part of a packaged deal. It is a PR218 mic. Not the greatest in the world but it works pretty good. I would like to trade for a Alesis 3630, dbx 163, or even a tube mp or someting along those lines. I imagine it is worth maybe 50 bucks give or take a few.

What's a PR218????

I am looking for a kick mic but could find no info searching this site or google?

I have a tube mp ....or a dbx mini.

Yeah dude.What the heck is a PR218?You must have the name of the mic wrong because PR218 doesnt exist in music stores.

I'll sell you a 3630 for $150
PRA 218a by Superlux. It looks alot like the ATM25 and is brand new. I bought a kit and did not need the kick mic. Would take either the mp or the mini as long as they are in good shape. I haven't owned the mini, but am open to offers.

I think if you devide the kit up each mic was around 60 or 70 dollars.
Hhhmmmm...sorry Joe.... that price for a new one I cant justify trading a pre for it.

I've been looking for an RE-20 to trade for from the local shops in my area but that is a scarce mic around here.

Unless you could pad the deal with something else, I'll have to pass.

Thank for putting it out there though.....I really wasn't aware that this mic existed.

Sound on Sound reviewed the kit and found it a good bang for buck.

Thanks guys,

I guess with the "new lower prices" that Kramer has a link too, I won't get near what I paid for it.

By the way Kramer, thanks for the offer on the 3630 but you can buy them new all over for less than 100 bucks, and usually quite a bit less used.

Hey Bear,

You know it's funny but before they started getting thier bad rep, you could find these comps in many major facilities everywhere.

I personally find that they are ok on some sources that do not need added color but just a little dynamic help. Maybe an accoustic guitar in the back of a mix, or BG vocals......

I own a ton of great compressors including 1176, 160vu, 160x, SC-50, but don't always have enough units for one more source like a room mic or ? So the less expensive units come in handy.

So a 3630 or a 163x that get used every once in a while is better than a mic that never gets used.

Apparently there are some mods that can be done to the 3630 that get it close to what it should have been in the first place........... but I wouldn't pay much for one to start with.:D

Kramer said:
Yeah dude.What the heck is a PR218?You must have the name of the mic wrong because PR218 doesnt exist in music stores.

I'll sell you a 3630 for $150 would I. Ok I'll go down to $140 :D