Keyboard stand


New member
Can anybody help me? I'm looking for a small stand that will hold a 76 note keyboard sturdy on top of my b3. The idea stand will hold the keyboard in a way that will not get in the way of my drawbars and be able to adjust at a comfortable reach. I've seen these holders a long time ago on the internet, but now I can;t find anything like it. Anybody out there have any ideas or suggesstions. I don't want to mess up the finish on my B3. thanks:cool:
The only thing I can think of is those stands by "Ultimate Support".
They are the tube stands with the "A frames" for sides, you just pick the length of center tubes and throw some keyboard supports on them.

It would basically straddle your B3.
That may be too bulky for your taste.
just look on musicians friend they have tons of stands for cheap like 30$ and up. you dont need a way expensive one.
:DYo "Stuttering" Beck:

Check with the "attorney" and don't let your B3 crash on the down on the other 76 key keyboard!!:}

As mentioned, MF and "others" have many types of stands. Need to make sure you "MEASURE" length in any stand you send along. As I once found that my 61 key keyboard would not adjust my lower stand--but I figured it out later.

If you happen to know a Dutch carpenter, you could have a very reasonable stand made "just" for your stand.

What about "how portable?" If you are moving to gigs, you may have quite a load to haul around from week to week?

Check out Google for lots of stands.

Green Hornet:cool: