keyboard scales


New member
Hey Keyboardists-

I'm a guitar guy who is messing around with piano, now.
Are there any online fingering charts for piano scales?
I hate to practice wrong!

There isn't really a "wrong" as far as fingering goes.

Hope you're not looking for keyboard tab - nobody's used it in 4-500 years...

dafduc said:
There isn't really a "wrong" as far as fingering goes.

Hope you're not looking for keyboard tab - nobody's used it in 4-500 years...


Where did you take lessons???:confused:

Ever heard of the 123-12345 way to run up scales? I sure as hell use the taught way to play scales because it actually makes a difference when you play the right notes with the right fingers.
Nah, the farther you get into it, the more often you have to ditch 'em...

1-2-3-1-2-3-4-5 is good for starters, though. Depending on the key.

You're both right!!

In my opinion, you're both correct. There is a "classical" or "traditional" method for playing scales. This method has worked well for beginners through experts -- likely for 100s (?) of years. OTOH, nobody's going to try to play a B3 in such a structured (B-O-R-I-N-G!!!) manner.

If you really want to learn to play, go to your local music store and pick up a few beginner's books -- You'll find plenty of scale exercises therin. If you're just messing around, feel free to go with whatever works (after all, Keith Emerson uses a machete!)

Good luck,