Keyboard/Module that can store patches???


New member
Hi, I'm new to keys in general and really don't know much but I'm looking to buy a module which can store synth patches I create in Reason, and then can be reproduced for live use? So ideally with midi in/out and jack out. I'm looking for something relatively cheap and small. I won't be needing many keys. Thanks,

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There are synth modules that can store their own patches/programs (pretty much any digital machine, and even some of the analog ones will do this)... however, I am not aware of any hardware synth module that can store Reason patches.

The only thing that comes close to what you're looking for would be something like the Muse Receptor that hosts VSTis, but again, it wouldn't work with Reason.
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best thing would be to buy a hardware sampler..of course Its hard to recomend a cheap one cause I dont know what you think is cheap?..but this would be your most economical choice.
Right, sample the Reason patches into a hardware sampler, or put Reason on a laptop and use the laptop as your module.
Yeah, a sampler is what you need. The one problem is that unless you export each patch chromatically, most samplers will change not only the pitch but also the length of the sample which might not be good for you. Some can time stretch. It wouldn't be like using reason though, a laptop is probably the best solution, just make sure to have a backup for serious live use.