Keyboard Interface Issues


New member
Okay I got my M-Audio Keystation 49 keyboard interface working. I have it connected through a USB cable to the computer. I'm using Sonar X1 and have a Scarlett 8i18 Audio interface. I record a synth track let's say a drum track. Then I add another synth track let's say a piano. When I play the piano it activates the drums when I press the keys. It doesn't seem to matter how I set the input on the tracks. It plays ALL the synth tracks. I was thinking maybe if I got a MIDI cable in connected to the audio interface that I would be able to assign it to a specific track. I thought I'd ask here on the forum first before I made the trip to Guitar Center and spent money on a cable.
Thanks Pat
OK, couple for things, is it playing the soft synth in the DAW? If so, turn off recording on the track you are done with. Not sure if your problem is that simple or not. But it shouldn't be listening for the MIDI signal unless you have it armed for recording or you have monitoring turned on.

Sounds that simple on the surface.
Thanks for the reply Dave. I'm quite certain I turned the record button off. However it could be some kind of monitor could be on. I am still learning to use Sonar. I will check it out when I get home. But couldn't it be because I'm running USB strait into my computer and not MIDI into the interface ?
Thanks for the reply Dave. I'm quite certain I turned the record button off. However it could be some kind of monitor could be on. I am still learning to use Sonar. I will check it out when I get home. But couldn't it be because I'm running USB strait into my computer and not MIDI into the interface ?

No, it is just a controller. USB is just using another method to deliver the information. It still follows all the rules of MIDI. If that is not your problem, you may look at your channel information, but that really is something that is not often used unless you have alot of sound modules or other boards you are trying to record (MIDI 1-16).
I don't know what that device is but if it's just a MIDI controller, it has no sounds and it's playing the drums because that's the virtual instrument that you have it set to in your DAW.

You're not being clear in what you're doing with recording, playing etc... you could be playing tracks or playing the controller for instrument. Take a big deep breath and detail exactly what you're doing and whether each step involves the keyboard, or what you've "recorded" in your DAW - where you're getting the sounds from and how etc. and someone might be able to help.
Been quite a while since I aided Son with MIDI stuff but a couple of things ring a bell.

"Omni" if set plays everything from one track I think. Then you can set up to 16 MIDI "channels" and have each one play what you like.

Mind you, I never could get Sonar working with MIDI! I used Samplitude and a little bit of Cubase.

Turns out you were right from the get go Dave. The input monitor was on. It would turn on anytime I mouse clicked another track. I've never had an issue before since I was recording analog instruments through my interface. It seems I need to learn the Sonar functions better lol. I should've posted this in Cakewalk Sonar section but I was afraid it was a stupid question so I posted in Newbies. Anyway Thanks for all your help.