Keep Your Distance

Good song Andy,
Very impressed with this, good writing, arranging, & performing. Really a good mix as well. Love the lead guitar, really good song. I'm very impressed with this Andy!
Thank you for the kind comments.... Much appreciated.

I'm not happy with the "guitar" solo, I wanted it to sound a lot more gut-wrenching... I'm waiting for that spark of inspiration before I give it another try.
Typing as I listen:

This is pretty good. I like the instrumentation; it's very soothing so far.

The vocals are probably a little loud relative to the rest of the mix.

The drums are balanced well with the instrumentation and don't detract from anything.

I heard a lip smack or two on the vocals.

I thought the solo was decent.

Good work overall.
Hi There - Thanks for posting your song. This was an interesting listen for me. I think the song has huge potential and I like many things about it. The vocals were nice and I like the instrumentation a lot. The things that were a little strange for me were the arrangement, the guitar solo and the harmonies towards the end. The first couple of minutes of the song seemed a bit one dimensional to me - not a lot of movement and no change in dynamics. But for some reason it didn't really bother me, I just felt that the whole song was going to be that way and I settled into it. However, after it got further into the song and you added the guitar solo and added a stronger vocal section, I realized then that I wanted more from the 1st two verses. I would have like to hear the music rise with the voice and add a stronger dimension to the song at the point where the vocals came back in. Then it came back down, then harmonies were added. Although I love harmonies, they sounded a bit "pink floyd-ish", which somehow didn't fit into the song for me. The song is long, and I'm usually okay with long songs if they build or flow properly. This one seemed to drag a bit for me for the last couple of minutes. Although this critique may seem harsh, don't take it personally. It's just my opinion! I do really like the idea of the song, and I think with some tweaking and building of the dynamics in some places, it would be killer!

p.s. - I forgot to mention that I think I recalled a little bit of a weird rhythm between the 1st and 2nd verses. :)
Thank you both for your comments, I appreciate them very much.

Steve: The vocal originally sat higher in the mix, I brought it down after several people commented on how loud it sounded. I will try listening with the vocal reduced further.

The solo is still pretty lame to my ears, and at least some people agree with me. I'm not sure exactly what I want it to sound like, which is why I haven't come up with anything better. I guess it should sound like someone being "torn apart at the seams", but I'm probably not capable of pulling that off.... But thanks :)

Jen: I hear what you're saying about the lack of movement. After the drums come in, the only dynamic elements until the guitar section are (a) the voice has a touch of added reverb, and (b) the organ pad creeps up toward the higher register. Perhaps that's not enough, but I'm not sure what else I should do. I'm reluctant to add any more instruments, as I'm reluctant to clutter up the arrangement. I could try playing with the gain on the organ to make it a bit more prominent in places.

Also, I think the moment after the guitar solo, but before the voice comes back in, is a little bit weak, which probably doesn't help the dynamic.

I thought about shortening the song, but I'm really not sure I could take anything our wthout causing other problems. Once I had the structure nailed down in my head, I really didn't want to mess with it. (If it's any consolation, I initially had an extra minute of keybaord noodling before the fade, but I was persuaded to cut it early. Maybe there's still too much).

Where exactly did you hear the rhythm glitch? I don't hear anything obvious, but if you could pinpoint it for me I'll have another listen.

Thanks again for all the feedback. Positive or negative, it's all good.
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