Kayne West

tommy mas

New member
anyone heard his new album? what do people think? what do you all think of the mix? i think its a solid album, very creative, but a lot of the songs are way too bassy and the album is lacking in overral sound quality. on many of the songs, you can barely hear the drums, esp. the snares.

I think the bass is great and the production is great. I think the song about his grandmother is sort of wack...I've only listened through the disc once though.
guess we got a difference in opinion..

the bass on many tracks is too overhwleming and makes the tracks sound muddy

you can barely hear his snares on lots of his songs, and the drums in general are weak.

just my opinion..
I was expecting a bit more out of his beats - but I guess he gave a lot of his top of the line ones to other artists, as it goes.

The mixes I'd like to be better sometimes, wierd volumes sometimes especially.

However, a lot of the tracks stlil are really really awesome I'd say.
the one about his grandmother I love the beat especially.
track 6 -drive slow - paul wall's verse is really nice and sounds really well mixed. that whole track rules though.
Hey Mama - good beat, decent flow
Diamonds remix - i love jay z. ha.
This is gonna get a lot of angry repliesbut here goes...

I think there are a hell of a lot of major hiphop/R&B etc. hits that have very poor production/recording on them. This is probably due to the fact that a lot of these artists hire their "homies" to work for them, rather than get compitant engineers/producers to work with them.

I master a lot of music from a variety of different genres in my line of work and I can really hear some god awful mixing/recording going on in some major hits.

PS. I'm English so please go gentle on me for the use of the word "homies". I couldn't think of a better word :)