K-dub----->mixmkr = colab (with NO snare rolls for Ido1957) ;-/ < LOOK >

Wow. (This is my first listen to Chris' mix ... which is actually a remix of sorts)

Totally cool. You did certain things here that was complete forehead slap. The repeat of the guitar riff in the last verse was just beyond brilliant. I never heard it ... you so did.

Your expansion of the opening was equally incredible. I always felt it was somewhat clumsy, but your remix glued front to back perfectly ... and my version had a sort of an innate mistime -- where the feel of it didn't ring right -- because it occurred out of 4/4 rhythm.

I must admit I really hated this mix at first and went "WTF was Chris thinking?" ... but then I realized (because I'm not currently near home), that half of my earplug had been accidentally pulled out of its socket and I was hearing it in distant mono. Once I figured that out, I merely went, "Wow".

Oh ... and the drums are mixed too high. :)
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It sounds great in a VERY 80's way but But BUt BUT 90sec on intro is a BIG ask for a casual listener. This'd make the exetended remix roll call easily.
It sounds great in a VERY 80's way but But BUt BUT 90sec on intro is a BIG ask for a casual listener. This'd make the exetended remix roll call easily.

My wife just listened, Ray ... and mirrored your thoughts about the length of the opening ... calling it the "Rave" version of the tune. :)

All in all, she really liked it though ...
Recording and production sound great.

After 50-60sec on the intro was loosing me.

The hi-hats are really out front in a few spots like @2min. Not a bad thing, it works, just very noticable.

Overall great job! The vocal sounds great in this genre/production, sounds pro.

Really enjoyed that one.
I like this mix better than the last - it's gelling better overall. I still think the drums are too busy during certain parts (verse). The simple intro pattern might be better during the verse. The highat? is too loud/trebley. The drums are a little loud in the latter part. When the full vocal loudness comes in at the beginning it's a bit of a volume jump. Crackle at 1:13? Enjoyed the vibe....:D
With what I'd originally sent over, the amount of cut/paste and pull it all together was an enormous and impressive amount of creative work.
Maybe a re-mix is in order. Admittedly, this was done entirely on headphones, but I do most of my stuff that way anywazz.. My ears too fried to hear any crackles, or vocal parts jumping out and had a goal of finishing parts, and getting as close as possible, (the way I see..and not necessarly Kevs), to finished effort. In my headphones, I'm pretty happy with the mix actually and there would be stuff to change, but to me they're minor. I'm glad no one really even noticed some "bad" notes in an area that they might really stick out, and Kev knows what they are. Long intro... eh if gets played or some dude want's a shorter version for some $, I can instantly chop it down to 20 seconds, or better yet, make it an extended bridge, giving you an opportunity to hit the bathroom before the song ends.
Technically, I ran into some computer problems... Like for the first time, my "custom" Superior 2 kit became corupt, and so I ended up with new drums and a salvaged MIDI track. Gave the chance to do something I thought was actually better. There's A LOT of EZX electronic kit in it (actually 4 separate instances), and I do realized items like HH stick out, but somethimes with the electronic kits, altering the mix on the drums, really changes the sound of the electronic kit, so sometimes it best to pick the lesser of two evils... Super high end frequency and loud HH. Again, after a loooong time on the cans, I know I boost hi-end stuff and this was posted without a fresh listen the next day. Today, though... I hear the bad notes!
Well...fun to ramble on an internet forum... THANKS all for the listen and especially to Kev, where I'd like to thank him publically.
and I am curious... the drums are hardly doing anyting in the verse... basically a boom/chick - disco-ish beat... the electronic stuff is like animated shakers and stuff... nothing more than some Santana dudes rattling some maracas and beating on some skins...
guitar players.. since I am one, I can't say' "take Ido behind the barn and shoot him"!
Sounds pretty good overall. Though I will echo what some people said about the intro dragging its feet a bit.

There were also a few pans that seemed harder than they needed to be (e.g. the saxaphone around 3:00). It's especially pronounced on headphones when suddenly you can only hear the melodic line from one side!