JV 1010 Channel on/off


New member
Does anyone know a way to get the JV 1010 to not play certain designated MIDI channels when using it daisy chained with another sound module?As it is now,if I have piano on Ch.16 playing on the 1st module,the Thru makes the notes sound on the JV1010 as well.I'd like to be able to use each module for different parts on different channels simultaneously without both playong the same notes.
I don't know anything about the JV1010 so this post will probably be worse than useless, but...keyboards all generally have the ability to stop listening on individual channels. There should be a way to go into a "MIDI receive" section somewhere and turn off MIDI reception for channel 16. That way the piano part won't play on the JV1010. But if you are saying that you also want the JV1010 to play a different part on channel 16, you'll need a second MIDI interface.


Thanks for responding,and no,nothing is useless,it's all good.I've been nosing around and so far it looks like what I need is a MIDI mode called "OMNI OFF/POLY" and it appears that this little JV isn't outfitted with that capability.BUT I have another idea,which is to put the little sucker on it's own MIDI out so it can't hear what the others are saying...Cheers!

hi ray,

I'm a bit confused by your way of thinking. Mode 3 (omni off/poly) is the basic mode your JV-1010 and other multitimbral modules are set in. The Omni Off means that it recognizes midichannels, instead of omni on where all information is treated the same way as thoughg there was no such thing as midi channels (no single modern multitimbral module is going to recognize omni on), and the Poly just means that your module us able to play more than 1 note at the same time (mono is used for instruments or sounds that need to 'glide' to eachother, like some old synth or a bass or something).

Concerning your problem, I have no answer, sorry:-) . If you link it with a sequencer you could use a midi-filter for that channel. Or simple transmit a CC7 Volume 0 on channel 16 on your JV-1010?


Omni bomb

Hi! Thanks for your reply!I've done more reading and asking on the subject and you're right,it DOESN'T have anything to do with OMNI or POLY but rather with the fact that I've got the 2 units daisy chained so the JV gets a second crack at playing the same notes intended for the 1st module.I now know that salvation resides in finding the correct SySex code to tell the JV to turn off only channel 16 and not the others.But on the other hand,I'll admit that hearing the sound of both modules playing the piano part in this particular song is growing on me!It's got a big,subtly chorused sound that actually works pretty well for this song.I'm even thinking about detuning one of the modules a couple of cents and maybe a little panning.
omni and stuff

hi ray,

Tell me how it went when you detuned one of them. I think thats a great idea. What I'm wondering about... Did you sequence the song, or are you talking about playing it live? Because when you work with your sequenser, you just can block that channel with your midi-filter...

keep in touch!
Yep, I've seen it before...

Hi Ray...
I've got a JV-1010 myself... Great Module, eh?
I love the sounds...

Anyway... The problem you are speaking of is answered in the manual... You actually shut off certain MIDI channels so they are not "listening" on the same channels that your other modules are set to... Be sure to read the "online" manual that's on the disk...

Before I say anymore, let me say the easiest way to work with the 1010 is using the accompanying "SoundDiver" software... It works well and can help you cope with the unit more easily than with trying to understand the front panel...

Unfortunately, with the JV-1010 there is a major drawback with this function... When they designed the 1010 they did not design it to retain ANY of the "Performance Mode" changes that are made... Don't ask why but that's the reason it may not necessarily work with the 1010... If you program the changes you're looking for, shutting off the unit will reset it back to the "Default Performance Setup" - This really stinks because the default performance is set with all 16 MIDI channels set to "on"... There's only a select few parameters that are retained after power off... For a short time, this made the unit practically unusable for me in any other mode other than "Patch" mode... (ie: one channel - one sound)...

The only way to circumvent this is to program your changes into another Performance mode patch and pull that up on each song that you open by calling it up as a "program change" some parameters can also be changed through sys-ex commands... I however only attained limited success with this...

The only other option you have is to set the 1010 on it's own MIDI port... This was my "ultimate" answer... Then the 1010 can happilly run away with all 16 MIDI channels and won't be any 'the wiser' to the other instruments... If you have a "dual-port" interface, this may be the only answer that will yield satisfactory results... Put all the other instruments on the first port and let the 1010 have the second port... OR - buy a 8 port interface (They ARE expensive - I'm using the AMT8 from Emagic)... That way each MIDI "port" has all 16 channels assigned to it...

I hope this answers a few questions... If you need more help, let me know...

Any Port in a Storm

Hey there,thanks for the reply!I have considered the option you mentioned,I use a hardware sequencer,the Roland MC-50 MKII,and it has 2 MIDI ports.The problem is I'm already using a lot of channels for MIDI FX and my keyboard which is also a 16 channel multitimbral source,SO,I found a used MC-50 in a local store,but the Floppy drive is fried(= now a paperweight).But there are a few on e-bay and tonight I bid on one.The idea here is that I'll run the MC-50 I already have business as usual and send MIDI clock out to the 2nd one to which my little 1010 will be connected on it's very own MIDI port and in addition to solving that problem I'll be able to do more stuff faster like copying songs etc.I looked at the kind of boxes you mentioned but if I can get another MC-50 for around $200 it would be more cost effective with 1 possible exception: the MOTU Micro Express is only $139 at 8th street Music.I'll try your suggestions on the 1010 soon.BTW,I needed some Choir for the end of this tune,have you tried XPA-239 "Demo Choir?" Pretty cool! Cheers!