Just Venting Frustrations


New member
It took me over a week to get audio from my recording device onto the web and downloadable!!!!!!

There, I feel so much better. I'm sure even the greats had to go through incredibly unefficient and wasteful processes that's a result of unexperience when they started out. At least now I know I can upload files when ever and wherever I want, and all in resonable time.
You ain't even SEEN frustration until you upload your shit to a web server, test it by downloading the files, post the link and find out that your server is dissing a bunch of the web community by disconnecting modem users.
well, I have a cable line and i set it to download....i then went cook a 5 course meal and made love to my wife.....and now im back.....44% done....good lord that server is slow.....it should be done by next week......
Just picture this:
Newbie finaly figures out how to convert a wav file to mp3 and in his excitement, he uploads the file as quickly as possible. Little does he know that he used the highest conversion rate possible and all but only the fortuanate internet elite with cable and T-1 connections will be able to or even give a thought to downloading it. Realize that said newbie has a modem hook-up and uploading that gigantic file, which took numerous attempts, was quite frankly, a real bitch. Oh god, it was awful. So anyways, I just finished converting to a more reasonable... ummm, thing? I don't know the word to use there. Hopefuly, when I upload it and post a link it'll be more accesable.

Gidge, wow! The way people are living their lives to my downloads makes me feel very egotistic. I mean just imagine. Come on, you've got to admit, downloading my shit is the same as using any of the best aphrodesiacs. Just look at this one case example. Folks, I don't even believe he ever finished downloading my file. Just imagine if he had!! I proclaim to the whole world that if your love life may be dwindiling, by all means please download my file--immediately. After all, a much lower file sized version shall be posted, in all due time.

drstawl, thanks for giving my sample a try, I'll give you a reply over at that mp3 thread.

And drstawl, that does sound frustrating.