Just realized after a year... my midi piano is out of key? Any way to fix?


New member
How can I check to see if a vst piano is in tune? (lol). I always thought it sounded a little weird, but wasn't sure. Today for the first time I played a youtube video of someone playing piano and tried to play along. The keys he was hitting didn't sound the same as mine. I had to hit a key one note lower than he was playing to get it to match. And even then, some keys didn't sound right. I youtubed other videos and they were the same too. So I have come to the conclusion mine is one note higher than it should.

Is there any way to fix this in Cubase? I have two pianos and both sound the same (one resets after every power off), so I think it's in cubase.
A MIDI piano out of key? I don't think that makes any sense. The only thing I can think of for that to happen, is that the pitch wheel may have not returned to the original position. So incorrect pitch data is being sent.