Just posted some mp3s. Singer/songwriter.


New member
I just posted some mp3s on my website at www.shaneseals.com if you wanna take a listen.

They're singer/songwriter type demos done at home on my ADAT equip. Pretty quick mixes, but you'll get the idea.

Any feedback will be appreciated - lyrics, production, arrangement.

two against the world. nice song. i like it much. has a real live sound. do you have plans to add any other arrangment to the music? bass, drums, etc. i think it could expand a lot with some more instrumentation.

don't have time and bandwidth to check out the rest right now but i'll get back to you when i have dsl!

welcome to the board.
Thanks for the input. I'm working with a band right now on these songs. When I get my kick drum mic this week or next, I'm gonna try and start tracking the whole band. Thanks again.
Hey man...pretty cool. I listened to "2 Against The World" and "Break A Man," because those are both great titles. The recordings were very clean, and I'm kind of a minimalist (at least in what I listen to), but I think even some really additional subtle percussion (like the shaker - good idea) will add a lot. I also think that you'd benefit a ton from some vocal harmony. I don't think you necessarily need (or want) the "FULL BAND TREATMENT" for these tunes, unless you do it just right (something I can't seem to do).

Ever notice that when people describe somebody as a "Singer/Songwriter," it's usually because the artist can't sing? Seriously, like John Prine...he'll ALWAYS be called a singer/songwriter, even when he's doing covers. LOL. Like it's an excuse for the voice. Clint Black writes every song he sings, but you rarely hear the moniker "singer/songwriter" associated with him, because he can freakin' SING. I'd put you in the latter category, b/c you've got a very good voice.

I definitely want to hear this when you've added some stuff.
Thanks, if any of you have your mp3s posted, send the link my way and I'll return the favor.

I love this medium. In the same day, I recorded, mixed and uploaded a song. How cool is it that we are able to be so immediate?
Real nice, Shane. Listening to your stuff really brings home the effect the *room* has on a recording. There's a great spaciousness to your cuts that it's just hard to emulate when you're tracking in your living room (as, I suspect many of us are).

Like was mentioned, I could hear more instrumentation added to these, but I really like them as is: spare and tasteful.

And yeah, the "singer/songwriter" label is funny. I mean, how many people know that Madonna writes much of her material?
