Just got this


New member
Not sure what it is about ....check it out

Good Morning!

I recently wrote to you from the rlabels.com website. If you are an artist or play in a band we have a new data base for you too try and use for free for a minimum of 90days. If we get the sponsors we want the site will remain free. You may also send us mp3s to play on Internet radio stations targeting Australian regional and Suburbia.

We are receiving support from Community groups to help young people defeat boredom. Again it is Free so if you want to be a part of this new concept please visit www.plumbmedia.com today.

We simply want to expose unsigned artists and hopefully create interest in music outside of the main stream.

Thank you.

Just one opinion - Can't get the page to load, so I'll go from your supplied text...

"data base" "too" "90days" "Community" "Free" "main stream"

Plus a general lack of proper punctuation leads me to be skeptical.

That's a lot for a set of promotional paragraphs.

I wish the site would load...

John Scrip - www.massivemastering.com
Yeah, that...and the fact that searches for "plumb media" and "plumbmedia" turn up almost nothing on Google, HotBot, Altavista, etc. What does show up is a listing for "www.plumbmedia.com" with no title, description, or sublistings.

When I started Indie Shout, I went to every free PR website out there and posted something about it, I spammed the forums, I emailed everyone I knew who'd even have the slightest interest in music, etc. I wanted to make sure the word got out... Still working on that too.

This person might be someone who has her heart in the right place but doesn't know what she's doing or hasn't gotten very far in her efforts yet. It might also be a leadup to some kind of sham, as well. Like Massive, I wish the page would load.
what harm?

I guess as long as no money or credit card details are given over then what harm can it do to post a few tunes?

Except that the URL doesn't work so you can't post anyway!
Re: what harm?

glynb said:
I guess as long as no money or credit card details are given over then what harm can it do to post a few tunes?
True, as long as you don't mind giving someone free use of a couple of your recordings...o'course how do we know there'll be proper credit given for it?

Still wish the page would load.
It just loaded OK for me and it is obviously Aust., based so I will kick it around a bit and see if I can find out anymore about it.

Well there is stuff all info about it.

No reference to it's originators, No obvious way to contact the site admin., at this stage No obvious reason to use it when there are numerous other sites offering web exposure without the end possibility of being charged.

Personally, I'll stick to using NoWhereRadio.

Re: Re: what harm?

ChristopherM said:
True, as long as you don't mind giving someone free use of a couple of your recordings...o'course how do we know there'll be proper credit given for it?

True Christopher. But let's face it, as soon as you make a tune available anywhere on the web you run the risk of it being taken and used without giving you any credit. Even if/despite the fact that you may have copyrighted it. Most indies are too poor to pursue a legal action, even the majors can't police it!

Nah, once published, you have given your child to the world!!!