Just got the SP-C3 one word - WOW


New member
I have a nice mic cabinet and could never find a mic that would sound good on a certain vocalist until now.

I tried the SP-C3 and it just sounded so smooth, sounds like it is worth thousands of dollars.

Clients are asking about the mic, and when hearing it they want to redo there tracks over.

Thanks PMI for a great product that just made my day in my studio.

Eric M.
Studio Projects In UK?

I think Alan said there was a new SP office in the uk. I phoned the Torbay dealer listed on the website but he didn't have any SP mics in stock neither did Digital Village(Birmingham) so can someone point me to the new uk office?
hognogger said:
That's intersting. There's a lot of talk about the C1. How's the C3 differ from the C1?
Here's part of a post that Alan Hyatt posted on this mic forum a while back...

Truth is, the C1 is my loss leader. I would much rather sell the C3 and T3, as they are better mics, and I do make a bit more money on them.

Ask Alan Hyatt why the C3 is a better mic than the C1. Anyway, one difference between the C3 and C1 is... the C3 is a muti-pattern mic and the C1 is only a cardioid pattern mic. And the C3 doesn't sound like the C1 when it's in the cardioid pattern either.
So you see, hognogger, that according to one of our mic gurus here, the difference is that Alan Hyatt makes a bigger profit on the C3. Otherwise apparently they're identical. Hope this helps you make better recordings. :)

Oh, now I see he's edited his post and added on more info.
Good morning crazydoc... I see you have your flame thrower with you... but offered no helpful info as usual... lol.
According to the web site, the C3 has a larger capsule as well, at 34.5mm as opposed to the C1's 27mm capsule. This would probably explain a lot of why it sounds different than a C1 even in cardioid mode.

Of course, things like the circuit design, quality of the capacitors, and the like can also affect the sound quality.
I've had great luck with my C3 on vocals as well. It just seems to have that really 'warm' sound that fits well with most voices that I have to record. And I'd like to think I have a decent selection of mics.
Well we can always count on DJL to throw crap into the wind. I swear you can smell him from here. That being said, the C3 is different sounding no matter how much money I make. I am not a non profit organization!!!

As for the UK. Our office number is (0) 1803 21511 Ask for Malcolm and he can help you, but more and more dealers are coming on board. Red Sub is good, Dig Vil has some or can get them right away.

What I like about the C3 is it is smoother, and has more top end air which sounds better on female voices IMHO. It is a gain hog because of the added capsule and electronics, but no matter, turn the gain up a bit on the input. The other positive is with the pattern control, you can open or close it up a bit and change the off axis response. This can help when using different singers to tailor the mic to them if you will.

To Parissound, I thank you for your comments. The C3 is a very special mic that competes with much more expensive brands.
alanhyatt said:
...The C3 is a very special mic that competes with much more expensive brands.
Yeah, we always hear about the C1 compared to this and that, but no one seems to ever compare the C3 to anything. That's the one they should compare to the higher-end mics!
Flatpicker said:
Yeah, we always hear about the C1 compared to this and that, but no one seems to ever compare the C3 to anything. That's the one they should compare to the higher-end mics!

Hey Tim,

I have always been surprised that the C3 has not claimed more attention. The reason for that is it was the C1 that everyone reviewed out out of the gate. It got all the attention from the reviewers, and of course you all know what happened then.

In either case, the C3 is a very serious mic which I have always liked over the C1 for female vocals and acoustics.
Your welcome Allan, I give Praise where it is deserved.
I am looking forward to adding more SP products to my closet as well.
Keep up the good work and thanks again.

Eric M.
That u.k office number is incomplete we usually have 'CODE 01803' followed by a six digit number 21511 seems to have a digit missing.