Just got my first pair of real monitors!


New member
For the past few months I've been living with my "computer" speakers for mixing. Today I went out and got myself a pair of M-Audio Studiophile SP-5B active monitors. I know these are far from the best thing out there, but I think they sound great.

I've been listening to the mixes I've done over the past few months and found all sorts of things (good and bad) that I didn't know about before. There are subtle flaws and cool textures that I couldn't see before. If you think you're doing fine with your "multimedia" speakers then do yourself a favor and check out some real monitors. You'll thank yourself!
Strange, I just bought studiophile sp 5b myself 2 days ago.
And they're amazing, there is nothing more to say.

Xalien, that's great,

this really is the best way to learn, start with garbage, upgrade and understand the difference. You'll now know why you're new monitors are worth the costs and what they are used for. Good for you !
I bought the Studiophiles a week ago. Incredible sound.

Leave some space between the wall and the back of the speakers and you'll pick up the low end everyone says is not there.

I'm thinking of adding some more lights to the front speaker though. The blue one is just not enough. Maybe some christmas lights that pulse for when I'm mixing disco.

Not serious, hate disco...
Monitors, sound cards, keyboards, mic preamps... Is there anything M-audio does not excel in making? Have they ever put out a bad product?
cominginsecond said:
Monitors, sound cards, keyboards, mic preamps... Is there anything M-audio does not excel in making? Have they ever put out a bad product?
I don't know about all their products, but I also have a Midiman 2x2 USB MIDI interface and it works great. So far I must say I'm very happy with their products.
Originally posted by Middleman
I'm thinking of adding some more lights to the front speaker though
What are you talking about? Those little blue lights are the best feature in the whole package! :)