Just got a pair of Rokit 5's and they sound like...

hahaha now this i liked....
its like a "+1 for effort but -5 for impertinence"

On the idea of good/bad source material...

Recently invested in a couple of virtual instruments for my piano sounds.
But prior to that was just recording straight audio from my keyboard (Yamaha S-90es)

So in relation to a real piano sounds... it was turd.
but god damn if, after applying my eq's and reverbs and compressors and all this other crap, it wasnt the shiniest turd around.
The kind of turd you'd hang on the mantle proudly and swoon over like an insufferably smug new parent.

Then I had the idea of comparing it to some of my favourite recordings...

You guys remember that bit in "Close encounters of the 3rd kind" where he's making the replica mesa out of potato?
replace the mesa with a piano and the potato with turd... thats what i had done.

You can do wonders in mix and master... but a good source saves a lot of time and effort.

im sure you can...thats why artists like alicia keys actually used her own vst library in her last album...chopan she is not but I imagine she can get a decent tinkle out of a set of keys..and a well set up played squire will shine twice as much as a badly played set up fender

just make sure the turds you're polishing arent runny and you'll be fine ;)