Just got a Pair of Joe Meek JM27's


New member
I got them today. I love em!!!! Really sounds great on my acoustic. Before I got them I was using a Groove Tubes GT55 (Great mic for vocals by the way) to mic my guitar. Recorded a couple of tracks earlier. And I think they sound awesome. Just wanted to be the first buyer on here to post some info on how the sound.

it is a copy from Beijing 797's CR1-4, MXL600,ADK A51SC...
Maybe 797 has cancelled the mic,
I got information that 797 is making some new version such as SP C4, Behringer B-5, Better sound.
I don't know too much about the factory info, but I knew I had a 30 day return policy. So far I love em. I'm gonna keep playing with them the next few days. I'll try and post some samples.

John_7408 said:
it is a copy from Beijing 797's CR1-4, MXL600,ADK A51SC...
Maybe 797 has cancelled the mic,
I got information that 797 is making some new version such as SP C4, Behringer B-5, Better sound.

Sorry John, but you are not correct on the JM27's origin. It is not a 797 made mic. Secondly, we designed the C4, not 797. It was a shame they allowed Behringer to copy our C4, but it happened. In either case, the JM27 is not made by 797, nor is it a copy of their CR1 or CR4.

The new JM27PAC will be in next week for those who are interested. It is a factory matched set, with heavy duty all metal shock mounts, and a stereo T-Bar all inside a case.

In either case, I think in time people will realize what moiser has. The JM27's are quite good and extremely affordable, as is the JM47.
alanhyatt said:
The new JM27PAC will be in next week for those who are interested. It is a factory matched set, with heavy duty all metal shock mounts, and a stereo T-Bar all inside a case.

How much will they be?
who can tell the difference between the mics.

Joemeek JM27>>http://www.joemeek.com/jm27.html
MXL603 >> http://www.mxlmics.com/condencer_mic/mxl603s/mxl603s.htm
ADK SC-1>>http://www.adkmic.com/specs/SC-1.html, same metal body as JM27.
ADK SC-2>> http://www.adkmic.com/specs/SC-2.html, two switches version of SC-1
ADK SC-T>> http://www.adkmic.com/specs/SC.html,almost the same as MXL603.
NADY CM90>> http://www.nadywireless.com/products/product_pgs/cmmics_pg.html
NADY CM95 >> http://www.nadywireless.com/products/product_pgs/cmmics_pg2_a.html
Soundking >> http://www.soundking.com/image/7/ed023b-ed024b-ee109.jpg
Feilo CR1-14 >>http://www.feilo-china.com/condenser/CR1-14.htm
797 CR1-4>> http://www.797audio.com/web/chanpin/huatong/CR-DR/CR1-4/cr14.htm

and many many others.

are they from the same factory? they have almost the same mic body.
I am wondering who should be the original manufacturer. feilo? Soundking? 797 Audio?
from 797 Audio website, it says CR1-4 was made in 1975.
does this mean each of the other is a clone of 797 Audio?
several years ago, 797 clone others such as Neumann,AKG, now so many ones clone 797 ?
John_7408 said:
who can tell the difference between the mics.

Joemeek JM27>>http://www.joemeek.com/jm27.html
MXL603 >> http://www.mxlmics.com/condencer_mic/mxl603s/mxl603s.htm
ADK SC-1>>http://www.adkmic.com/specs/SC-1.html, same metal body as JM27.
ADK SC-2>> http://www.adkmic.com/specs/SC-2.html, two switches version of SC-1
ADK SC-T>> http://www.adkmic.com/specs/SC.html,almost the same as MXL603.
NADY CM90>> http://www.nadywireless.com/products/product_pgs/cmmics_pg.html
NADY CM95 >> http://www.nadywireless.com/products/product_pgs/cmmics_pg2_a.html
Soundking >> http://www.soundking.com/image/7/ed023b-ed024b-ee109.jpg
Feilo CR1-14 >>http://www.feilo-china.com/condenser/CR1-14.htm
797 CR1-4>> http://www.797audio.com/web/chanpin/huatong/CR-DR/CR1-4/cr14.htm

and many many others.

are they from the same factory? they have almost the same mic body.
I am wondering who should be the original manufacturer. feilo? Soundking? 797 Audio?
from 797 Audio website, it says CR1-4 was made in 1975.
does this mean each of the other is a clone of 797 Audio?
several years ago, 797 clone others such as Neumann,AKG, now so many ones clone 797 ?

The JM27 is transformer coupled the mxl603s is FET output .. thats a BIG difference for a start
paddyponchero said:
The JM27 is transformer coupled the mxl603s is FET output .. thats a BIG difference for a start

Welllll...in more discrete terms, the 603 has a PNP BJT output, but the source and the drain of the FET do feed into the bases of these.

Brent Casey
Brent Casey said:
Welllll...in more discrete terms, the 603 has a PNP BJT output, but the source and the drain of the FET do feed into the bases of these.
You know, now that you mention it, I've never figured out why companies mention "Transformerless FET" in their microphone ads. I mean, it's got to have either a FET or a tube coupled to the capsule, regardless of whether it uses a transformer or transistor/tube coupled output. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other.

That's like describing a car as "Power Windowless Transmission".

Is this a marketing thing or what??
Brent Casey said:
Welllll...in more discrete terms, the 603 has a PNP BJT output, but the source and the drain of the FET do feed into the bases of these.

Brent Casey

Eeek I meant to say transistor output, you'd never guess I spent 5 years studying electronic engineering. Although if you break it down I spent 4 years drinking and playing gigs around ireland and 0.5 years photocopying notes and cramming in the library and 0.5 years drinking to forget everything I learned. Just spent the day soldering a couple of 2sk389s into an experimental balanced pre I don't know why I bother really. If I spent half the money I've spent on transformerless preamps I could get a few jensens and be done with it :)
John_7408 said:
is JM27 from the same vendor of MXL603?
any one know?
Joemeek mics are from Feilo? same source as SE and MXL mics?

MXL and SE both took some engineers and labor workers from Fielo and started their own assembly houses. They still get their parts outside of house and assemble in house. SE has raised the prices quite a bit. Some of their mikes are $2000.00 This will be hard for people to swallow. It is hard enough for them to consider Chinese mikes as a good mic, but to pay the same for it as a good Lawson, Soundelux or other mic IMHO will not fly here in the USA.

The Joemeek mics are made for us by Feilo. Like many other companies, Fielo has reduced the number of people they build for, and we have been making internal changes on their mikes as well as external changes on some models like the JM47....
then I think I have understood some thing.
Feilo make JM27 for Joemeek exclusively.
others are clone of feilo.
another question, why JM27 looks like 797 CR1-4 so much but the mic head , 797 Audio clone Feilo?

Some 40 years ago, 797, a Beijing-based Chinese government military facility (which was secret and referred to only by number) started to manufacture capacitor mics based on technology and expertise brought to them by East German engineers. These microphones were destined for the domestic broadcast market, as imports from the West were not permitted at the time. Around 10 years after they started manufacturing, the 797 specialists were asked to train engineers to build microphones in Shanghai at Feilo, another large government-owned electronics company.