Just getting it together, more on the way...


New member

I'm going with the Inkel Pro.MX-1200 mixer...the reverb is not as good as My Peavey, XR-700, but the sound is crisper and cleaner... I still have several things coming IE a DBX noise reduction unit, and some patch bays... I also have a peavey AddVerb I am looking for a PSU for, and am going to need a power conditioner. To the bottom left is my beloved Korg KAOSS II pad, and I also have a Hendrix Experience Pedal and a Digitech BP50 pedal I will be running, as well as an inline tuner. Also in the wings is a Roland Synth keyboard, and a Technics keyboard with pitch wheel. My DAW is running on a Dualcore HP and using Audacity for now, but looking to upgrade in the near future.

PS sorry about the crappy pic, it is a dark corner (of course)
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I will also be setting up a recording system to take music off of records and cassette tapes, to convert to digital on my computer, so I have them for my MP3 player... the DBX will be for that mostly, and I will try it through my live recordings and see what improvements it can offer, if any.