Just For Fun - First "Live" Recording

good job, live is not easy with a band that spreads out like that. The horns could have used more mic for capture but they are in there. The guitar is a little weak. Nice recording though.
Thanks Toki.....couldn't really do much mixing, we just ran a left and right line from their board (Soundcraft I believe...) into an AKAI DPS 16 and two "room" mics (SM57's:eek: ) at the back of the room. Glad you enjoyed the listen.
Nice board mix! Tight band!

An overhead to capture the top end of the drum kit would've done wonders for this, but it still sounds pretty good.
Hey M.Brane glad you enjoyed The Business. I think I agree with Toki and your comments....the brass did sound a little thin (even standing there that night) and an overhead might have helped a good thing sound even better. These guys were a lot of fun to listen to live....the recording is pretty true to how they sounded that night too.
That kicked total ass, lol.

Hey man, I've been trying to get a decent live recording of my band, but it's a totally foreign animal to me. So far, all I've tried is a recording straight off the board, and it sounded like...well, not good. Part of the problem is that both times I tried it, we were playing a small club, so the drums were barely even mic'd, and our bass player kinda' utilizes the Spinal Tap philosophy on volume, lol...so he wasn't running much of a signal through the board either...Bottom line is, THE GUITARS AND VOCALS SOUNDED GOOD, lol...but really, aside from the fact that they were audible, (which immediately made them sound better than the rhythm section), they kinda' sucked too.

Your post about putting a couple of shures in the back of the room intrigues me. Were those mixed in with the board tracks as it was being recorded, or could you adjust the "room" volume later? Since I know nothing about this, I'm now thinking of getting another digital recorder JUST for the room tracks so I could actually mix some of the bass and drums from the room into the mix...I'd also probably put the mics on stage instead of in the room somewhere...

I'm babbling, but after failing miserably at this myself, I think your product was really very very good.

...so any (more) details would be appreciated a lot.

2 nice tunes there. the latin one reminded me of my days living is south florida:D This is a very good live recording!!

Chris: glad you liked the The Buisness!! To answer your question:
The "room" mic tracks were in addition to the lined in tracks.
Four tracks total. Yes, each track could be adjusted
individually. Once I achieved a mix with the four "raw"
tracks I played them into Sonar via my Q10's SPDIF
connection. From there I did some EQ and dynamics

wfaraoni:....apparently pleasant memories of south Florida :cool:
thanks for having a listen & glad you liked it!