just bought aardvark direct pro- cant get effect to work-help!


New member
Hello Everyone,
I've just installed my new Direct Pro 24/96 soundcard, driver, and software. It seems as though MOST features are working correctly.

The Compression buttons in the direct pro manager do not seem to do anything. The Reverb and Eq do not seem to work either. I also don't understand why in Sonic Foundry Vegas Pro it is recording everything in MONO. I click the STEREO button and it puts the left channel in track 1 and the right channel in track 2. Does the ASIO driver configuration fix this problem?

I've only used a Yamaha Multitrack before this. I'm new to DAW and I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. The patchbay is set up exactly like they show in the owners manual for Input/Output Monitor. Is this thing broken or do I just not know how to use it? The manual isnt much help and their website offers very little for troubleshooting.

If theres anyone who can help, maybe another owner of this same card...im begging you! Please help me. Thank You.
it's me again. i'm still having trouble. the effects still do not work.

Also, I plug my guitar into Input 1... I pan it to the CENTER. I can hear it in both my speakers...but it shows up in the manager as being mono...left channel only...same thing when I record...it records on the left channel. When I plug my guitar into input 2 it does the same thing...only this time it's the right channel. I don't understand this. Is it my cable?? Maybe it is mono? It's a standard 1/4 guitar cable. Can I fix something in the patch bay? This is my settings.

Playback 1,2-----Analog 3,4 Out
Playback 3,4-----Analog 5,6 Out
Monitor L,R-----Analog 1,2 Out

I have Output 1 going to my left speaker and Output 2 going to my right speaker. I'm waiting for my PS6's in the mail, so I'm using these other ones till then. I doubt they are causing the problems I'm having. I may call Technical Support if no one posts a reply. I'm thinking about returning it.
What software are you using? I'm not sure, but you might be overlooking something obvious. Most cards are setup so that in the multitrack software:

Inputs 1 to 4 end up like:

1L, 1R, 2L, 2R

1 2 3 4

So you plug your guitar into input 1, record it. It's not a stereo source, it's an electric so it will be MONO. You use your panning in software to place it where you like in the stereo field. For stereo: If you were to record an acoustic guitar lets say - with 2 microphones plugged into inputs 1 and 2. In the software, you should have 1L and 1R enabled to record. After recording, pan channel 1 hard left, and 2 hard right. This would be a stereo recording.

No idea about the FX, but I suspect it's a routing thing within the soundcard/manager software. Keep hacking away at it and I'm sure you will get it to work, give them a call as well there tech support is very good - ask for Ben Mullins.

Good luck.
Thank you for your reply! I think I understand what you are saying. Being used to a 4-track I always panned the BASS track to the CENTER and it came out on both speakers. So I always assumed it was stereo, even though electric guitars are mono. That should have been obvious to me, thanks!

BTW, I'm using Sonic Foundry Vegas Pro. When I arm it to record I can right click and it says (Stereo, Left, Right). I selected Left for a BASS track. It's mono but I can hear it on both speakers.

But the effects still do not work! I've tried many different setups in the patchbay. I'll have to give them a call. Thank you for all your help.
I got the effects working. They were bypassed. I had been selecting the preset button but not deselecting the BP button.