Just announcing myself...


New member
When I get a bit more time (probably this weekend), I will post my two cents on a lot of the topics.

This looks like a great BB, I've been on so many bad ones.

Peace and Love,
Stephen LeBlanc
This place, as you can see, is THE BOMB!!! You've got all KINDs of genius here. It's converting me from mere singer-songwriter to recording engineer / soundman / producer / comp.tech. / musical recording encyclopedia. No joke, Dragon deserves a web-zine prize of some sorts for this ocean of knowledge... Enjoy.
Whut up. As BBS' most hated member (? Maybe some would disagree, i dunno) I would like to welcome you.

I will also lend some advice if I may. There are a lot of cool, knowledgable people on this board...just try not to piss em off...some people dont catch onto jokes and humor very quickly, thats cool though (not an insult in any way). Some people just dont see eye to eye. (Also not an insult).
Nah you don't need a signature, you made enough of an impression when you first joined the BBS to last for a while... lol. :) It's cool now though. Good to see people that come in on a bad note not run off, but hang around and turn out to be good members.
king, we dont hate you!!!

but you know, I think we catch on to jokes plenty fast here, I think your an as......just kidding :p



[This message has been edited by ametth (edited 05-26-2000).]
King...you rotten son of a...oops, wrong guy. You have it all wrong. Gibs and RE are the most hated guys here.
Gee Monty, I thought it was YOU!

(Oh - that's right. I'm the only one who hates you. Well, as far as I know I am) :D

Hehe. Thanks guys. Im glad I stumbled across this place when I did. Its been a huge help.

Hmm...I need some sorta signature dont I.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>There are a lot of cool, knowledgable people on this board...just try not to piss em off...some people dont catch onto jokes and humor very quickly<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, I rarely hold back my opinion on things so I'm bound to piss someone off at some time. I'm always real though, I don't screw around much :).
notesleb...I've heard enough, drag your sorry ass out of here and don't come back...oops, wrong guy. Hey there, how's it goin'? :D