Just an update...


Pleads the 5th...
War and impending doom good for song interest... ...or so it seems...

When I originally put my tune "I Saw a Tear - In Lady Liberty's Eye Today" out of the net (following 9/11), there was some interest in it, and was having a little luck trying to shop it out (nothing happened with it, but there was some interest:p )... ...then it sorta went into hibernation. Now, with the possibility of war at our doorstep, combined with the Columbia disaster, I'm getting e-mails from folks who want to help me try to get this aired again (not that it's necessarly "air" ready, but I suppose it might at least rekindle the interest enough get it into a "real" studio). Who knows... ...maybe this time around:)

I'll keep ya posted.
huh... I was just in the cave and read philboyd studge's post and attachment about "another 9/11"...

...there's hope for this song yet :eek:
Gettin' somewhere... well, I'm actually not sure...

It's the waiting thing now, so, it's probably nothing, but at least it raised my blood pressure for a fleeting moment:p

<fingers crossed here>:D