JoeMeek SC2.2 or RNC for drum overheads


New member
I've heard some people say that since the Joe Meek is an optical compressor it cant quite capture all the transients but then again others swear by it for overheads. I've got a choice of this and an RNC for recording drums shortly. Would i be best to use the RNC for the overheads and the joe meek for kick and snare? any ideas?

cheers, Derek
most folks will tell you not to compress overheads, but i like the rnc on over heads. just be gentle. it can really bring out a nice fat room sound. with the cymbal transients you really want an 'accurate' compressor. the meek could be cool for 'effect' type o/h compression, but this can be decided in mixdown.

all in all however, if you don't know the units very well i would track without compression unless you have little head room (analog or 16 bit), and then apply compression during mixdown when you have a little more time and freedom to experiment without risking commiting a dodgy sound to tape. you could track with a smidge of compression on the kick and snare in this case, but i'd use the rnc.
I owned both, never really liked the Meek for overheads, in fact it was almost the last comp I went to when nothing else worked....the RNC is another thing can be aggressive, but really shines when subtle compression is needed...I used it often for overheads, but it excelled at snare drum, acoustic guitar and even could cover passable mix bus duty if nothing better was available. Ended up selling all and using a Toft ATC2 for my comp needs....I still miss the RNC, never miss the Meek!

Think i'll be sticking the bass drum through the Meek then and RNC for overheads. Hopefully be using a Voicemaster for the snare. The RNC was a wise purchase by the sounds of it, but have found the Meek is more suited to guitars, and bass. My Yamaha bass sounds hefty through it!
< but it excelled at snare drum, acoustic guitar and even could cover passable mix bus duty >

really? interesting......i've never had *any* favorable results with the RNC on snare, overheads or on the mix bus. IMO, it's just too slow.

i have used it on acoustic with quite decent results, but i've got a symetrix 425 that i like on acoustic better (there's something in its coloring that i dig).

i dunno.....i like my RNC plenty, but maybe it's diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks, b/c i'd reach for just about anything else when it comes to compressing drums.
