Joe Meek Twin Q or Presonus MP20?

Thanks Alan. I never considered the China thing, and that makes sense. I very well may have me a twinQ from AMS soon.


alanhyatt said:

I understand what you are saying, but the mic amp on the threeQ is still quite good. Again, you need to find this out for yourself. It is of course my opinion that it is miles better than the old one, and when you do step up, you add in the transformer which brings you to another class yet.

The fact that the threeQ is is about $199.00 does not mean it has a bad mic amp because it is only $199.00. Remember we like so many other companies build our products in China. We get excellent rates. So my point is if we built it in the USA it would be $600.00. If it was, perhaps more people would feel better about thinking you would be getting a better mic amp for that money, but the fact is it would still be the same mic amp, and a good one.

All I am saying is it is a very good mic amp. Maybe not the one for you or some others. The testamonials and reviews have been quite good with the exception of DJL, but he as always speaks from ignorance.

So just some food for thought to consider. :)
Just another cheap China made preamp.

alanhyatt said:
The testamonials and reviews have been quite good with the exception of DJL, but he as always speaks from ignorance.
What Alan Hyatt (head of PMI Audio Group marketing) is really saying is... PMI-AG is on to market thier products, so he doesn't want you to know about any of the Joemeek problems.

Plus, here's some food for thought...

The Joemeek TwinQ is a cheap China made preamp. For example... the Joemeek ThreeQ is only about $150... and it has the same preamp in it as the Joemeek TwinQ. After you take out the compressor, EQ, etc, you end up with about a $15 preamp.
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i own a twinq.
i only like the pre with vocals. and even then it's subjectable. i have found that whwen used as a instrument di, it doesn't cut it for me. i have also tried recording ac guitar with it and wasn't impressed. the compressor is usable, but be careful. you gotta play it easy to get it good and i find that there's a very fine line between good and bad with it.
now the meequilizer is another story. i like it. not a surgical eq, but very musical nonetheless. my only complaint about the eq is no sweepable hi. it's fixed between 6k & 12k.
the insert jacks on the twinq are week as well.

you can bypass the pre's on it via the insert jacks, but this only works well when connecting a balanced source into them. i would never connect an unbalanced source as an input into the inserts due to the fact that the insert jacks don't lock at all. you'll get a signal out of it but it could jimmy out on you very easily.

my rating for overall quality would be a 4/10
my rating for bang for the buck would be closer 7/10.

i bought mine for 700 canadian,
tdukex said:
You bought one of PMI's new TwinQ's for $700 Canadian (about $560 USD)?

Where? They retail for $800.

I'd hazard to say that he got it at Long and Mcquade.

I was informed that the lower cost is due to the strength of the Canadian to US dollar. Which for some reason still has me confused :confused:
Well ... as long as I stay below the full-time pro studio standard, I can say that the only hardware compressors I will even consider to be a worthwhile buy will be the ones in the Meeks. They make a sound I've not come across in the world of function-only software comps before and are a whole lot of fun too.

I'd be interested in people's thoughts as to the TwinQ as a DI as that would be one of the things I'd really want it to do for me.

PS - One of the things I like the most about is reading what everyday people with brains like you and I have experienced with products as opposed to reading what the trolls want us to read about the products.
tdukex said:
You bought one of PMI's new TwinQ's for $700 Canadain (about $560 USD)?

Where? They retail for $800.

clit torres :p was right. i purchased mine at long and mcquades in toronto.
when i first noticed the unit on their rack, it was listed at $995 cdn. two days later i walked in and it had been reduced to $695 cdn. it was one of there earlier models that did not come with a s/n. this was back in february of this year.

youi say they retail for $800. is that USD??
DJL said:
The Joemeek TwinQ is a cheap China made preamp. For example... the Joemeek ThreeQ is only about $150... and it has the same preamp in it as the Joemeek TwinQ. After you take out the compressor, EQ, etc, you end up with about a $15 preamp.

Well we are talking about consumer range products here, not high reliability aircraft electronics. More and more manufacturers are doing business in China to cut down on labor cost of their products. They may still use high quality components but the circuit boards will probably be manufactured overseas and assembly will be done in China.

Avalon could cut some cost out of their products by having them assembled in China. But since they do a fair amount of hand wiring that’s going to add cost. The whole hand wiring thing confuses me. If you can build it into a circuit board why not? They use hand wiring as a marketing tool over and over and over again. I’m well aware of the hand wiring tube amp argument, but if the preamp is solid state I have a hard time seeing that hand wiring is better than a PCB.
audiofreqs said:
clit torres :p was right. i purchased mine at long and mcquades in toronto.
when i first noticed the unit on their rack, it was listed at $995 cdn. two days later i walked in and it had been reduced to $695 cdn. it was one of there earlier models that did not come with a s/n. this was back in february of this year.

youi say they retail for $800. is that USD??

audiofreqs (cool name), you may have purchased one of the older meeks (TwinQcs) before they were completely redesigned by PMI Audio. Regardless, I think you got a good deal--even though you don't like it all that much. I think PMI may still have the Meek trade-in going on, though I haven't heard much about it lately. You can contact them and may be able to trade your box toward a new Meek TwinQ.

Here's what they look like:

Is this the one you have?
noisedude said:
Hand-wired stuff can be more servicable than a PCB I guess?

A lot of that will depend on the circuit board. If it's a double sided circuit board then it's much easier to repair or modify than a multilayer board. I've witnessed some really talented assemblers do some amazing things when repairing boards.

Most of the boards in these preamps can be repaired since most of them are single sided or double sided. Multilayer boards can be repaired, it can be more difficult if you have circuit traces running in inner layers...harder to repair.

As far as reliability goes both can be made to very reliable. One note I'll make is that in the aircraft business we would rather use boards built to demanding military (and IPC) specifications than hand wiring becuase those boards are more relaible over a 30+ year lifecycle. But that really doesn't have anything to do with prosumer electronics. I'm babbling. :D
tdukex said:
you may have purchased one of the older meeks (TwinQcs) before they were completely redesigned by PMI Audio.

the meek i have is the new one. i was told by pmi that they FORGOT to put the s/n's on their firt run units. maybe that's why they were reduced in price.
noisedude said:
Well ... as long as I stay below the full-time pro studio standard, I can say that the only hardware compressors I will even consider to be a worthwhile buy will be the ones in the Meeks. They make a sound I've not come across in the world of function-only software comps before and are a whole lot of fun too.

I'd be interested in people's thoughts as to the TwinQ as a DI as that would be one of the things I'd really want it to do for me.

PS - One of the things I like the most about is reading what everyday people with brains like you and I have experienced with products as opposed to reading what the trolls want us to read about the products.

Amen NoiseDude.

PS - One of the things I like the most about is watching an entire thread ignore a troll and relegate him to irrelavance. :D
Thank you!

What's weird is that all of a sudden he seems to have fooled everyone that he's a new man by doing all the same trolling and sniping but in a more underhand way. :confused: Am I the only one who has actually noticed this? That we still have the same rubbish on all the same threads?
noisedude said:
Thank you!

What's weird is that all of a sudden he seems to have fooled everyone that he's a new man by doing all the same trolling and sniping but in a more underhand way. :confused: Am I the only one who has actually noticed this? That we still have the same rubbish on all the same threads?

Must not have been paying attention....who are you guys talking about?
I 'modded' DJL's signature line to make my feelings quite clear ... and he sent me this via PM:
PMI-AG Brown Nose Troll!!!
"PS - One of the things I like the most about is reading what everyday people with brains like you and I have experienced with products as opposed to reading what the trolls want us to read about the products."


noisedude said:
Thank you!

What's weird is that all of a sudden he seems to have fooled everyone that he's a new man by doing all the same trolling and sniping but in a more underhand way. :confused: Am I the only one who has actually noticed this? That we still have the same rubbish on all the same threads?

Not hardly. No matter how many rep points he's begged, borrowed or stolen, it's still the same old DJL. All this "Former Outlaw" business is just BS. And, he still can't put a coherent sentence together without at least 3 edits. :rolleyes:

Let's look at his signature line for some prime DJL speak:

One of the things I like the most about is reading what everyday people like you and I have experienced with products oppose to reading what the manufactures want us to read about the products.
noisedude said:
Thank you!

What's weird is that all of a sudden he seems to have fooled everyone that he's a new man by doing all the same trolling and sniping but in a more underhand way. :confused: Am I the only one who has actually noticed this? That we still have the same rubbish on all the same threads?

He's been devolving at an exponential rate. By next week I expect him to be speaking in monosyllables.

Uggg, PMI bad!