Joe Biden........

Joe Biden, good or bad?

  • Good?

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Bad?

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
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This is a ridiculous blanket statement. I’ll certainly concede that some regs go too far, and they have the potential to slow growth and/or raise prices. You saying this is the equivalent of me saying republicans want to destroy the earth, strip away all workers’ rights, job safety, health insurance, etc to make a few extra bucks. Too much regulation sucks. Lack of regulation sucks too. The climate is changing and something needs to be done. The markets get manipulated and people lose their homes. Workers get mamed and killed.

I’m still putting it back on you to prove that democratic regulation even moves the needle a little compared to covid spending against the lack of production and workers we have as a result of covid.
Then teach people to stop throwing 40% of their food away and stop blaming farmers for the general publics efforts at destroying the planet.
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I fail to see how calling me stupid furthers your assertations.
You seem to be insulted by my comments on someone neither of us has met.
At most you voted for him and I did/can not. So what? It's like I kicked your dog, or slapped your kid or something.
I don't have anything against you personally mate.
I get that a choice you may have made is being called out, and I know the feeling.
Yes, I am anti Trump. But I am not anti RFR, so...
Anyway... you going to watch the proceedings this evening? I am.
There’s a difference. I never called YOU stupid. Some of your ideas, yes, but not you.
I’ve seen some of the “ name that song” thread posts of yours. Excellent! A stupid person wouldn’t pull off the correct answers so fast.

I’m not anti Dave
Then teach your mrs and kids to stop throwing 40% of their food away and stop blaming farmers for your efforts at destroying the planet.
So it would seem there’s an active movement in Ireland to reduce or eliminate livestock farming as well. ‘To help the environment’
Hmm....the Bolsheviks killed millions through starvation. Are they trying to repeat history?

So it would seem there’s an active movement in Ireland to reduce or eliminate livestock farming as well. ‘To help the environment’
Hmm....the Bolsheviks killed millions through starvation. Are they trying to repeat history?

This is true. It is actually throughout Europe with big protests there and more to come and food and fuel riots world wide.

Based on dubious eco claims. They want to eliminate millions of animals from the food chain in Ireland alone. In other countries the same. This is the beginning. They will want further reductions as time goes on.

The meat from these animals feeds people. There arent gigantic freezers packed full of steak and burgers in all these countries. That meat is consumed as it is produced.

So where is all the extra food going to come from to replace it?

Leddy, Dave and co will find some way of blaming Trump for this mess. But it is one thing that doesnt have his name on it or anywhere near it.
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This is true. It is actually throughout Europe with big protests there and more to come and food and fuel riots world wide.
It would appear there’s an agenda coming down from higher up..... like maybe the World Economic Forum? Claus Schwab?
Naaaa, thats just conspiracy theory.

But it’s happening. Worldwide. Energy and food production being shut down.

You will eat ze bugs!
So I guess ‘despite all his efforts’ Biden got the covid.

Well... to be fair I know numerous vaxed peeps who've tested positive. The vax is/was never meant to prevent you from getting covid, but to lessen/reduce the worst of the effects... Like dying or a lovely visit to the ICU.
Trump got covid and we all know what a germaphobe he is.
Leddy, Dave and co will find some way of blaming Trump for this mess. But it is one thing that doesnt have his name on it or anywhere near it.
The big difference between Trump and Biden is that Trump wasn’t onboard with the agenda.
Now I cannot tell what was in his heart, but verbally and in action he opposed the Globalist agenda.
So he had to go.

Biden on the other hand, is fully onboard with the ‘build back better’, turn US sovereignty over to the world health organization, the green new deal, and the climate change agendas.
He’s a 100% puppet to what used to be called the “New World Order”.

We, the people suffer. The ‘elites’ win.
Well... to be fair I know numerous vaxed peeps who've tested positive. The vax is/was never meant to prevent you from getting covid, but to lessen/reduce the worst of the effects... Like dying or a lovely visit to the ICU.
Trump got covid and we all know what a germaphobe he is.
Well to be honest, they told us the vaccine would PREVENT you from getting covid.

So, either they lied from the beginning. Or they didn’t know what they were doing.

It’s not like this brand new experimental injection had a lot of testing.

Comes down to fraud, incompetence, guessing or all of that.

But ALL the trust the science turned out to be bullshit.
Well to be honest, they told us the vaccine would PREVENT you from getting covid.

So, either they lied from the beginning. Or they didn’t know what they were doing.

It’s not like this brand new experimental injection had a lot of testing.

Comes down to fraud, incompetence, guessing or all of that.

But ALL the trust the science turned out to be bullshit.
Not sure what to say. I trust in the science, and the professionals who study in the area in question. Not sure who said the vax prevents you from getting covid.
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Not sure what to say. I trust in the science, and the professionals who study in the area in question. Not sure who said the vax prevents you from getting covid.
Biden , Fauchi, that chick who heads the CDC , etc. All on camera , as seen on TV.
Not only does the jab keep you from getting covid, but from spreading it.

As that was shown not to be the case, they changed their story and moved the goalposts.

So at the very least , the ‘science’ was NOT settled, but in fact evolving.

Again, so there was/is either incompetence or lying (fraud) .
Hey, I farm.
The climate is just fine up here.
It's one of my better years actually.
2020 was pretty bad.
It was cold cold cold.
Doing just fine this year.
The hottest summer up here was about 20 years ago.
Hey, I farm.
The climate is just fine up here.
It's one of my better years actually.
2020 was pretty bad.
It was cold cold cold.
Doing just fine this year.
The hottest summer up here was about 20 years ago.
Yeah... you're OK so the problem doesn't exist for anyone else. Right...
BTW, I'm a phone guy.
Not sure what to say. I trust in the science, and the professionals who study in the area in question. Not sure who said the vax prevents you from getting covid.
Yeah man "They" is a large group......Just yesterday I heard someone on the TV imply getting the Vax will prevent getting Covid. For sure in the beginning it certainly was implied as we know it 100%, in no way will prevent one from getting Covid...unlike vaccines like the Polio Vax that "almost" 100% guarantees you won't get Polio.. It is now implied that the vax will reduce the effect of the virus...that may or may not be true. I know a lot of unvaxed people who had Covid and had zero symptoms and only knew they had it because others in their group had it so they got tested. In my personal experience The wife was unvaxed, I had one shot of the Pfizer and she was a LOT sicker than me...One of my daughters and her husband both had 1 Pfizer...she had a mild case , he was much more affected and was down for several days. We just spent a week at a beach house together with my other daughter and her family...I was the only one that had a vax of any sort in the group and that was 16 months ago...My 11 year old grand daughter got the Covid ...mild symptoms..( all of us had already had it @ Thanksgiving11-21) We were all in close proximity to her prior to us knowing she had it and even after she had it...she's the only one that got it....It's a slippery little bug...I have several friends that are Bye Bye because of it is to be taken seriously...That said, personally I will not be getting another vax since I did get a little nervous afterwards about the possible vax side effects of which other than my gray hair going away were minimal.
Biden yesterday alluded to having cancer. Actually he flat out said it. Not ‘had’ but has.

And today the WH announces he has covid.
Many have stated he has dementia. Although there’s never been any official verification of this it would appear to be the case.

So what’s going on???

I predict he’ll be gone long before his term is up.
It would surprise me if he makes it to 2024. And running again? Well that’s out of the question.
I give him to the winter of 2022.
Could be wrong but that’s my guess. They’re prepping for a change of batter.
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