Jk Limo


New member
just wondering if any of you guys got this working on an intel mac?
it rocked on the PPCs but i cant for the life of me get it working on the intel/ PT 7.3
any one have any sucess? this plug rocked and if you have an older mac download it!

ps yes i have runtime for the intel osX before any one asks!
It doesn't look like it's a UB plugin. Which means it won't run on an intel mac. It has to be OSX, which it is, but also universal binary.
yeah but im wondering if theres a way to patch it to universal binary? seriously this limiter seems better than most ive come across! (definatly better than maxim)

it was designed well before intel macs but that dosnt mean its impossible to bring it to them with out a complete re-code does it?
My understanding is that they simply won't work with an intel mac without being re-coded. It's very unfortunate, because a lot of really good plugins (and recent plugins) have been lost.
that plain sucks if it could be pored that would rock RTAS has very few good freeware plugs as it is!
Cheers for clarifying albert (and killing my dreams)