Jeff Beck shows

Wow, that's the first time that's happened to me, I think, and I've been posting here more than two years. I got an error back from the server after I hit submit -- when this happens to me, usually the post either got saved or it never made it at all. In this case it got my ID and my post title and dumped the rest. Oh, well...

OK, here was what I was trying to ask: did anyone out there see any of the three Jeff Beck shows at the Royal Festival Hall in London last week (9/12-14), billed as "From the Yardbirds to the Future?" Curious Beck fans want to know...
I`m an old Jeff Beck fan myself.

I would have loved to have seen him with Max middleton on keys and Rod Stewart singing.

listening to "Goodbye Pork Pie Hat" and "Freeway jam" should be part of manditory school curriculem for all kids.