JBL LSR25P vs. YSM1P- Which To Buy??

Keith L

New member
For home studio use (I currently use a Korg D1600 Recorder). A few of you rave about the JBLs, and I guess everyone ran out of patience with the Yorkvilles. Now I can buy either, so what should I do? (I have to do SOMETHING- I just listened to my first cd, which I mixed on Sony headphones, and couldn't believe how much was lost in the translation from my Korg to my home stereo!)

the JBL's definitely.....

the YSM1P's were so eagerly anticipated because at the time, the YSM1's were THE bang for the buck monitor....now after all the waiting, a few other contenders have stepped up and the YSM1P's are definitely not the low $$$ I was expecting.....for the same or little more $$$, you can get the JBL's which are in a whole different league than the Yorkvilles.....

im not saying the YSM1P's are not a good monitor...I havent heard them but Ill assume they are as good as the YSM1P's....im just saying you can get more for your $$$ now.....
Gidge- thanks for the response. Now, I've read just about every thread here re:monitors, and I noticed that you ended up getting the Tannoy Proto-j's. Which begs the question: why didn't you get the JBLs? Not trying to be a smartass- just wondering... Thanks again! Keith
its ok....smart ass is my specialty.... I dont wanna be the only one here:D

at the time, the JBL's couldnt be had for less than $500.....I got my ProtoJ's and amp for less than $350.....a BIG difference for me.....also I was looking for monitors with a tad less bass response, yet enough to be able to place the bass somewhat accurately....i did this as I was advised in another thread that when monitoring in a bad room (acoustically), I wouldnt want a real bassy monitor......I brought a few pairs home over a few weeks and I loved the ProtoJ's.....I still use regular stereo speakers to double check the low end.......to make a long story short (too late for that), the answer is because Im a cheapskate and not doing any serious recording, but serious enough to need a decent monitor.....
Thanks, Gidge- I'm not sure just how my studio would rate acoustically. Don't most of these monitors (the higher-end ones) have adjustment knobs to roll off different frequency levels, and in effect compensate for the room?
Anyhoo, I think I'll go for the JBLs. Thanks again for your input.

p.s. how do you guys get those funny little icons, like the dancing guitar, to appear under your name???
your high end monitors are as flat as possibe period, with no adjustments....usually you configure and treat the room to compensate for acoustic problems.....you shouldnt have a problem with the JBL's...if you do get them , maybe take a few pictures of the room you will be working in and some of the guys here can give you advice on the best spot to set up......
Well, I joined the JBL LSR 25P Club. Gidge, you were right- these monitors are indeed "da bomb"! I did my first mixdown with them last night, and loved the results.

THANK YOU for steering me in the right direction... Keith

p.s.- still wondering how you got that Strat to dance!
Its an avatar...to get one, click on Profile,Edit Options,scroll down to avatar...you can choose one of the basic ones, or you can get a custom one, depending on how many posts you have.....