Jazzy Blues

Not crazy about the finger snaps; at least not having them going through the whole song. I'd say bring them in and out as the song moves through the variations. Like keep them during the main riff, then as the song goes into improvisations, stop them

That, sir, is a capital idea. Gonna do it. No changes since the original post. I'm now thinking bongos instead of a kit. Or congas. More space.

Think I should bring the piano down a scoche?

What made this one work was the space. Adding the drums...which aren't that inspired, was a mistake.
No, I like the piano where it's at. I'd say bring the drums up, but if you're not happy with them.... It would be great to get someone who can play this stuff to do a drum track for ya. Bongos/Congas might work, but drums bring it all the way. jmo.

Did you play the piano live or program the midi?? I really like it. I usually play my keyboards live and record the midi data while I'm doing it. Then go back in and edit out the flubs. That old Roland piano patch of yours sounds great. I have an old Alesis that has a great piano patch too. I hope that thing never breaks.
I'm recording direct to the board from the synth...which is triggered by a vintage Kerzweil K2000...which has some really neat sounds, too. My soundcard needs replacing...keeps shutting down, so I don't have the use of the sequencer.

But that was a good accident! Part of the reason, I think, midi sounds 'midi' , are the artifacts that piano roll edits cause ...signature glitches. I had done what you're doing up until a year ago. But the results, when I just kept at it until I could play it riight, were much more organic sounding. Lately, I keep getting asked 'What piano are you using?' Used to be that everybody knew it was a fake program when I was editing in the sequencer...... editing on the audio track seemed to yield a more natural results . I practiced a few bars at a time...following what I heard in my head when I listened...and pasted up a piano track..... . Then I edited in audio,deleting fishy section and re-recording, or doing snips and slides. I don't use a lot of fades in the edits; just sip at zero crossings to avoid pops.
Very good. I like the snaps way out there. Like others have said, maybe a little less panning on the guitar and piano. Very nice tones, and it goes to show you don't need a lot of tweeking if you can get it right at the source.
you don't need a lot of tweeking if you can get it right at the source.

...and if it's not exactly right, y' most often can't improve it with voodoo.

Yup. The lesson it has taken me the longest to understand and apply with discipline. A trail of lousy recordings, I have.....ruined by exactly that disease.
Sounds great to me. Only thing I think I'd like to hear differently is maybe a reverb or more reverb across the whole mix to make it seem more like a band in a room, and maybe "mono it up" a little bit. It's a little too stark and isolated to my ears.
"mono it up" a little bit. It's a little too stark and isolated to my ears.

I tried to keep the midrange instruments a lot to the wings. The target for the work is a floor for voice-over....Oprah or something. The publishers like vox-range stuff to be out of the way of the vox.....a hole, either frequency-wise or pan-wise, or both, in the middle and midrange: users want a message clearly heard. A bow to the market....trying to take advantage of every opportunity to make a few cents with my hobby. I'm a whore.

TX Phil!