Jargony, terminology, wordy stuff!


New member
So I've been pretty interested in creating my own effect stomp boxes and audio components but I'm pretty befuddled as to where I should start.
I know names of components such as resistors and transformers, but don't have much knowledge on what their role is in the device and how it effects the sound that comes out.

So, really what I need is a finger pointed to some good literature or video lessons or anywhere that I could find some good knowledge over audio components.

Sign up at the diystompboxes forum, then find the "Beginner Project" board and start hacking away. There are all kinds of helpful folks who really know their shit and have the patience of a couple of saints put together. Also, plenty of noobs from whose mistakes you can learn. Good place. My name is the same over there.
Brilliant, Sirs!
Thanks for the quick tips. HR is the first resource I usually use for info for everyone's fast responses and consideration. I hope that once I'm past the stage of noobdom I will be able to give back. Thanks again!
Sign up at the diystompboxes forum, then find the "Beginner Project" board and start hacking away. There are all kinds of helpful folks who really know their shit and have the patience of a couple of saints put together. Also, plenty of noobs from whose mistakes you can learn. Good place. My name is the same over there.
