Jack Johnson Cover


New member
Here's my rendition of Gone by Jack Johnson.

All feedback good OR bad is appreciated!

Let me know what you guys and gals think as far as vocals, mix, style, overall sound and whatever else!

Thanks in advance, you guys are always helpful!

danny83 said:
Oh c'mon people don't be shy!

It can't be THAT bad.....

I hope...

hehe, I'm not shy, I'm a snake and a dog :D Just can only listen on headphones right now. Anyway, sounds excellent to me on the phones! Good room sound on the vox and nice acoustic sound... what can I say, sounds a lot like Jack Johnson ;) Nice work.
Sounds good man, nice acoustic sound. Vocals are very good, i like the reverb on them. I have not heard this song before but i might check it out.
Very good sounding guitar...nice room sound to it. Vocals sound really good also. I think you did a very good job with this...all teh sounds are pretty clean.
Nice one... :D

One of best recordings I ever heard here.
I don´t know the original, but your version KICKS ASS!!!


what's up man? sounds pretty good to me. production sounds pretty solid. nice voice and playing. i think it's a little slow, but that' just me.

not a huge fan of just those little cymbal hits. it just seems like i'm waiting for more drums to kick in, but all i get is an isolated cymbal tap now and then. it just seems odd that out of an entire drumset, the one cymbal is all that's hit.

i'd like to hear less reverb on the vocal and maybe turned down a little compared to some of the other stuff. i'd like to hear the bongos up a bit...it does seem to drag a bit to me especially since its a slow tune and i think this version is even slower than the original.

these are all little gripes, cuz over all i think it sounds pretty damn good. jack seems to do a lot of very dry mixes, so this seems kind of unnecessary to me, but i guess it all depends on what your goal was with this.

bag of toys
Robertt8 said:
...not a huge fan of just those little cymbal hits. it just seems like i'm waiting for more drums to kick in, but all i get is an isolated cymbal tap now and then. it just seems odd that out of an entire drumset, the one cymbal is all that's hit...

Hi Tait,

I really didn't notice the cymbal thing till you said it. You're totally right, they're very isolated. I'll try to get more creative with it next time.

Thanks for your input. I checked out your music, and I like it alot. Great style!
I've never heard of Jack Johnson but I listened anyway. The guitar sounds nice. There is a light fizz sound in the vocal that is just enough to be annoying. It sounds like the distortion that you get from a "Toob" preamp or a worn out dynamic mic. Other than that it sounds pretty good.
ocnor said:
There is a light fizz sound in the vocal that is just enough to be annoying. It sounds like the distortion that you get from a "Toob" preamp or a worn out dynamic mic.
Maybe a little sibilence on the vocals that is mostly "sh" or "s" related.

Generally though I really like the performance and recording.

I'm a reverb junkie although I've been on the wagon lately. What reverb are you using BTW?

Again vocals and guitar are very nice and performed well.

Not familar with the original so no comparison on that.

Great Job!

:) :D :) :D
ido1957 said:
Maybe a little sibilence on the vocals that is mostly "sh" or "s" related.
I wasn't referring to sibilance. If you listen with headphones you can hear a small amount of fizzy distortion that coincides with the vocal parts. It would probably go unnoticed by most people unless they are listening for it. I can sometimes be a little anal about that sort of thing. ;)
ocnor said:
I wasn't referring to sibilance. If you listen with headphones you can hear a small amount of fizzy distortion that coincides with the vocal parts. It would probably go unnoticed by most people unless they are listening for it. I can sometimes be a little anal about that sort of thing. ;)

I used an AT3035, which is neither tube, dynamic or worn out (as far as I know). I used the same mic to record the guitar. The fizz/distortion that you hear is probably just the way that I sing. I've been told that I put a soft touch on my vocal tone which is probably what you're referring to.

Unless of course you're hearing something that my ears can't pick up.

danny83 said:
I used an AT3035, which is neither tube, dynamic or worn out (as far as I know). I used the same mic to record the guitar. The fizz/distortion that you hear is probably just the way that I sing. I've been told that I put a soft touch on my vocal tone which is probably what you're referring to.

Unless of course you're hearing something that my ears can't pick up.


I'm not really hearing it either. Maybe it's an artifact of the reverb?
cool tune and nice job. my only criticisms: way too much reverb for my taste and the wood block sound on the down beat is annoying in a metronome kind of way. i like the intamacy of the original and the reverb taketh that away. i like that you did your own thing vocal wise and changed the tempo. i used to play alot of jack johnson songs at the beach while getting a good beer buzz and smoozing with the bikini girls. i miss the beach. :D

btw, i think the reverb may have something to do with what ocnor is talking about.
Very good job. The vocal is a top notch performance, moving even. The tune fits your range and style. The arrangement supports it well. I like the cymbal that ends phrases. I'd use it a little less often though. One could find minor flaws in the recording itself but considering the major jump in quality you made between this one and the others on your page, it's probably not that important to mention them. Mic'ing the guitar rather than going direct makes a huge difference.

I hadn't heard Jack Johnson's writing before but I'm going to check him out.

ido1957 said:
I'm a reverb junkie although I've been on the wagon lately. What reverb are you using BTW?

I'm using the cakewalk fxReverb. I used 8% on the Bright Plate setting.

I think I'm a reverb junkie also because I dried up the recording and left only 2% verb on the vocals and 3% on the guitars (just to add the harmonics lost from the actual recording process) and although it sounds more intimate, I think I like the short reverb trails a little more....

The guitar still sounds pretty good dry, but as far as my vocals go, I can't see myself liking less than 6-8% reverb. The recording I posted above was pretty saturated, I think I used 12-13% verb....

yeah that may have been little overboard :p
danny83 said:
I'm using the cakewalk fxReverb. I used 8% on the Bright Plate setting.

I think I'm a reverb junkie also because I dried up the recording and left only 2% verb on the vocals and 3% on the guitars (just to add the harmonics lost from the actual recording process) and although it sounds more intimate, I think I like the short reverb trails a little more....

The guitar still sounds pretty good dry, but as far as my vocals go, I can't see myself liking less than 6-8% reverb. The recording I posted above was pretty saturated, I think I used 12-13% verb....

yeah that may have been little overboard :p

right on dude. go with what you feel right with. but...if you listen to almost any of jack's stuff, there is VERY little reverb. not that you need to do that, but it does show that it's really not needed. maybe your just not used to your voice that dry. either way, you did a pretty good. job. by the way, thanks for the kind words about our bands stuff.
