I've got an MBOX - new microphones or new preamp?


New member
Hey all, right now I own a Digidesign Mbox, and I was wondering if a new microphone(s) or new preamps would better my sound? I was told by someone at Digidesign (off the record) that the MBox's preamps are better than those of the 002. Right now I have entry level mics (SM57, B-1), and I'm wondering if with a unit like the MBox, if I got a more expensive mic like an AT4047 or AKG414, it would do it justice? So with my setup, should I be looking to save up for a better preamp to run into the MBox with these cheap mics, or is this preamp enough for those microphones? Thanks!
Mbox uses Focusrite pre's and yes they are better than the 002. As far as stock interface preamps go, they're pretty good. You probably won't notice a big difference until you get to the $500 per channel price point. I would definitely say get a nice mic first. I would put a GT55 or GT66 (tube version) on your list of mics to look at. Or alternatively, get a matched set of SDC's or a ribbon mic to expand your mic locker "horizontally" rather than upgrading what you already have.
Hi Reshp, thanks for the reply. I actually do you have a couple SDC (MC-012s), and a ribbon is definitely on my list... what do you recommend in my limited price range for that? Thanks!
reshp1 said:
Mbox uses Focusrite pre's and yes they are better than the 002.

they may have the name focusright on them, but thats doesnt mean much. i know from my own experience that the mbox doesnt sound nearly as good. ive used an mbox a lot, and when it came time to buy, i went with the 002. do some research, almost everyone agrees that the pres in the 002 are better. there, however, the mbox die hards.
I've been fighting with my sound for months now. First I got a SP C1--big improvement over my SM57. Then I went for the pre and got a ThreeQ--NO! Tinty and bright. Then I got a VTB-1 and that was pretty good--I like it better than the ThreeQ but a small improvement over my mackie board. Then I got a RNP and that (compared to the others) has been great, but still not satisfied. Next got a MXL67G to escape the brightness of the C1 but NO. Then I hit it!! I just got a AT4047 YES!! The brightness is gone and hello smoooothness!! I can't speak for the other mics you mentioned, but I'm sure the 4047 would make a big difference for you. It did for me, just when I was starting to think I had the most grainy voice on the planet!
borntoplease said:
they may have the name focusright on them, but thats doesnt mean much. i know from my own experience that the mbox doesnt sound nearly as good. ive used an mbox a lot, and when it came time to buy, i went with the 002. do some research, almost everyone agrees that the pres in the 002 are better. there, however, the mbox die hards.

i disagree entirely. and i own the 002
borntoplease said:
they may have the name focusright on them, but thats doesnt mean much. i know from my own experience that the mbox doesnt sound nearly as good. ive used an mbox a lot, and when it came time to buy, i went with the 002. do some research, almost everyone agrees that the pres in the 002 are better. there, however, the mbox die hards.

I also respectfully disagree. I own both the Mbox and 002R and I still use the mbox sometimes just for the pre's (and the Hi-Z instrument setting)
policenauts03 said:
Hi Reshp, thanks for the reply. I actually do you have a couple SDC (MC-012s), and a ribbon is definitely on my list... what do you recommend in my limited price range for that? Thanks!

Probably a question better posed in the Mic forum. I have limited experience with ribbons (mostly when I can talk people into letting me try one). I'm a little wary of the budget ribbons, think I'm going to save up for a Royer personally.

Edit: Oops, we are in the mic forum. LOL. maybe another thread? :D
Get a C1. If you're a solo musician (recording things one at a time), you can use it for just about everything, from miking a nonrock snare to cabinets, to most any acoustic instrument, to vocals. Even a kick drum.
I've got an 002r and an Mbox. "Focusrite" pres means nothing...its just marketing. The pres on either one really aren't that great.

That being said, I'd probably go with an AT4047 right now, and then make your next purchase a good preamp. You'll have the 4047 for a long time, as opposed to the mbox or any other digital interface...that stuff is constantly changing. Good pres and mics will always be relevant.