I've gone stupid! Delta 44, WinXP, CEP...help!


New member
I don't know what's happened to me... I had the Delta 44 up and humming on my old XP box, using it mostly as a convenient way to dump field interviews into the computer and make documentaries using Cool Edit Pro 2.1

For whatever reason, I just can't get everything rolling on my new XP machine. And since I got gung-ho and swapped the 44 around without writing everything down first, I've lost my chance at seeing the old settings.

Could somebody walk me thorugh this again?

My sound source is patched into breakout box ins 1 and 2.

I've got the Delta 44 patchbay set up with HW Out 1/2 going to HW In 1/2.

Windows control panel:

Playback default is M-Audio Delta 1/2.

Recording default is M-Audio Delta Monitor Mixer.


Wave Out is M-Audio Delta 1/2.

Wave In is M-Audio Delta Mon. Mixer.

What, I say what, needs to be changed here? Please help! I feel like a total fool.

Don't know the Delta 44, but is it possible to select the 1/2 inputs for windows default and CEP record device?
Yeh I think you've got it arse about face.

Try setting the CEP Wave IN as delta 1/2 and Wave OUT as Monitor mixer.

Same on your Windows defaults
Nggh. It's down to being a CEP problem now. I can even record in the danged Windows Sound Recorder.

Windows Control Panel, Audio tab:
Sound playback default: M-Audio Delta Multi
Sound recording default: M-Audio Delta 1/2
(works...plays back system sounds, records in Windows Recorder)

Device Properties:
Wave Out tab: M-Audio Delta 44 Multi
Wave In tab: M-Audio Delta 44 1/2
(playback in CEP is fine, using sounds from the startup theme.
Recording gives me a steady level of -42 dB with a bit of "flicker" in the waveform, no sound on playback, no levels in the level monitor)

CEP gives me the SAME results when I record, whether I select the Delta 44 Multi, the Delta 1/2, or the Delta Monitor Mixer.

Delta control panel, patchbay tab:
H/W Out 1/2: going to Monitor Mixer

Again, I'm mystified. It's worked before...just not now. Is this fresh install of CEP on the new system kerfuzzled?

- Matt
what about your bit rates....do you have the "rate locked" checked in your control panel hardware settings? if so then uncheck it. it may differ from CEPs.....i remember thats why i couldnt get any sound to sonar when i tried to record
Man, I can't even FIND "rate locked" in the control panel hardware settings. The "Advanced" options for the sound out are pretty much useless, and the properties and advanced button for the recording device are greyed out.
Screw it. Goldwave, baby! Works like a charm and no fussin' and mussin'. Shareware from Newfoundland: always there when most needed, like the Lone Ranger or your mom.