it's still not happening


New member
Thanks Ron82. I've just tested it out but I'm still doing something wrong. I turned all the red knobs on the board hard left and ended up with no sound coming through the headphones. To get sound I had to turn channel 1 Aux fx up to 12 o'clock. As well as the aux fx at 12 oclock above the main mix and alt 3/4 sliders. So I could hear sound then, and i got a sound wave in cubase after recording but no sound on playback at all!
My mic is plugged into to channel 1.
The gain is turned up to 3 o'clock. Haven't touched the eq's - all at 12 o'clock, aux (1) is turned hard left - it's pre button is out (what's this button for?), the aux (2)fx is up to 12 o'clock (so I can get sound - which is normal with no reverb in the this stage), pan knob centred, mute button untouched too, solo button on channel slider untouched and slider up to o.
Then on channel 7/8 the slider is also up to o with the mute switch on and everything else untouched. Next, ALT 3/4 slider's are up with aux fx at 12 and it's solo button pressed in. If it's left out, there is hell reverb!! Under this aux is three buttons. Tape, ALt 3/4, and main mix. When recording the tape button is out along with the alt 3/4 and the main mix pressed in. Everything else on the desk is left alone. But on play back, I have to press in the alt 3/4 switch.
My God!!! I can't believe I just got that all out! I really do apologise for being so basic here. I visit other forums trying to get answers for my own questions but as you can see, I'm still learning the language and terminology. I don't care much for either....I just want to record my songs!! (sigh of desperation!)
But yes, I know. I should make an effort to understand the language so that I can at least communicate my problems easier to all you guys!!!
Thank you for all your time it has taken for you to read this and big hugs if you can help!
I've just tested it out but I'm still doing something wrong.
you're also doing so on this board ;)
press "post reply" instead of "new topic", to answer :)

dude.. for me that sounds like ur plugging ur mic into the fx return or something! LOL

no seriously.. read the manual of ur mixer!
other then that, the fx knob in the affected channel strip should be turned down as well (unless u want an effect on the signal..)

first thing: i hope the master fader is turned up!

then, where do u run out of this mixer? main mix (xlr outputs) - or control room?

if main mix, the signal should be there (unless the channel u want to use is MUTED!)..
if u use the control room outputs, make sure that the button "main mix" is pressed - located above the alt3-4 master fader (with the 3 buttons there u assign the signals going to ur soundcard, if u go the "control room" way..

further, if u MUTE the channel, the signal will automatically be switched to the ALT3-4 subgroup! so if u want a muted signal on your track, u have to press the button "ALT 3-4" (to ctrl r. & phones) - AND make sure the ALT3-4 master fader is turned up.

try all this out with having the fx knobs all the way to the left! what u get as signal is probably the fx only.. if u hear something different on the headphones, than what u track, then you're probably going the "main mix" route..

but most importantly: read your manual, several times if u dont get it (like i did) ;)
u wont regret it :p

i also "just wanted to record my music" - and now i am in the progress of becoming an audio engineer, wanting to build my own cables, understanding how microphones work etc.
LOL.. u just have to know everything to get decent results - start at knowing your gear ;)
Thank you!!!

I so wish I had have read your reply before writing my deperado plea for help! Thanx for the tip on using this site too....knew there'd be some kind person to show me the ropes. Ok, so I'll try what you will also re-read the manual. It does tell me what each button/switch/fader is for, but it doesn't explain them in relation to each other. Ye right, well I am certainly feeling pretty dumb over here. I'll get back to it and will be sure to update you. Thanx again for your help Ron.